Chapter 31

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Tzuyu's POV:

Jeongyeon: Wait?? Are you sure?

Tzuyu: Yes 100%. I can't hide from her forever, I mean she's kinda still my best friend...well, or was...

Nayeon: Well, she's inside right now, shall I call her out here?

Tzuyu: Yeah, thanks

Nayeon then disappeared in the building, leaving just me Jeongyeon and Taehyung outside

Jeongyeon: Well, I have to go back in now, good luck Tzu, and don't replace Jungkook so soon *Laughs*

Wait...what?? What does she mean by that?? it's just me and Taehyung

Taehyung: Sooo, do you think you guys will still be friends after all this??

Tzuyu: Yeah...I actually think so, but we just won't be as close as before. I mean...she has been with me through thick and thin and helped me a lot after my break up with Mingyu... So it actually surprised me that she would do this to me...after she knew all the pain I went through...

We stood there in silence for a while until Sana came out, she looked at me and quickly ran in to give me a hug...

I was hesitant for a second, but...

I hugged her back...

Sana: Tzu...I...I don't know what to say...

Tzuyu: Then let me say something. I talked to Jungkook, right before I came here, and I want to ask...did you feel the same way?

Sana took a deep breath and looked at me in the eyes

Sana: If you mean my feelings for him then...yes...I do, to be honest with you, I've always had a crush on Jungkook... way before you started dating him...I just didn't do anything about it cause I didn't want to hurt your feelings or make it seem weird, but after he confessed...I just...couldn't hold it back in anymore... But I swear Tzu, if I had known all of this would have happened and that you would walk in the coffee shop at the time, I would've never kissed him. I would've waited until you guys broke up... I'm sorry Tzu...

I took a deep breath, this is all just too much to handle... I mean, I've always knew Sana has had a crush on Jungkook, but now hearing her admit it... It's just... hard...

Sana: I know if you can't forgive me, and I don't expect you to... I really appreciate you making time to hear my side of the explanation...

She grabbed my hand, but then released it

Sana: I have to go back in now... Once again, I'm sorry...

I just nodded my head and watched her go back in, I may forgive her, but I just need to wrap my head around this whole situation first

Taehyung: You feeling better now? After talking to them?

Tzuyu: Actually, yeah...I'm feeling a lot better now, it feels like this weight has been lifted off my chest... I mean, yes, their explanation is heartbreaking but it feels good to finally hear them out... I think it's actually better to move on this way...

Taehyung: about a celebration?

Tzuyu: What do you have in mind?

Taehyung: There's a place I wanna show you... but it's better if we go at night, so how about we both get ready first and then I'll pick you up tonight?

Tzuyu: Sounds good... its a date!!

Oh GODD? Did I just say date??

Tzuyu: I mea-

Taehyung: Sure, it's a date... *Smiles*

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now