Chapter 29

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Tzuyu's POV:

We arrived at BTS' dorm, and let me just say I'm super nervous right now

Taehyung somehow convinced me to listen to what Jungkook has to say, I am...

Taehyung: You ready Tzu?

Tzuyu: *Mumbles* Yep...

Taehyung then went over and gave me a heart warming hug

Taehyung: Remember, I'll be by your side the whole time

Tzuyu: Th...thanks, let's go in now...

Taehyung gave me a reassuring smile then led me inside



We stood in the living room waiting for Jungkook to come out, my palms are sweating so much and I have a sick feeling in my stomach...

Jungkook: You finally wanna talk to m-...Tzuyu?!

Jungkook came in the room but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me, his expression quickly changed, a look of panic and relief on his face

Taehyung: I believe you owe her an explanation *Crossing arms*

Jungkook: Y...yes, I do... Tzuyu...I'm soooo SOOOO sorry

Tzuyu: You care to explain why you were kissing SANA??

The sadness in me is no longer here, instead anger is building inside me, just seeing his face makes me so angry...

Jungkook: Yes...about that, Taehyung, can you maybe give us some space?

Taehyung looked at me like asking me for my opinion, I don't know if I can do this without Taehyung by my side, he kinda keeps me safe...

Tzuyu: No...Taehyung can stay, if you have anything to say, say it in front of US

Jungkook looked at me with a confused expression on his face

Jungkook: Ar...are you guys a thing now?

Did he really just ask that?

Tzuyu: No, he's just here for me being my friend, unlike some people...

Taehyung: Just say what you have to say man...

I can see Jungkook glared at Taehyung for a brief second then turned his expression to me

Jungkook: Tzuyu...I don't know how to say this...but it all happened when you started rejecting me on dates, I felt so lonely at the time and you couldn't make time for me because of your hectic schedule, so I...I started hanging out with Sana... I found her at the beach one night and we just clicked...I told her my problems and she understood, we started hanging out more and my feelings for her started to develop more and more...

At this point, I couldn't hold it in anymore, my tears flooded out and the anger inside me grew more and more

Tzuyu: So you started developing feelings for my best friend and you didn't even think of telling me HUH??

I can feel Taehyung's hand on my shoulder, pulling my body against his

Jungkook: Of course I did, after I found out that I'm love with Sana, I decided to tell her first, but I promise you, I was planning to break up with you right after so I won't hurt your feelings, but...yeah...that happened...

Tzuyu: So you decided to tell her first... Why? Because if she rejects you, you still have me?? That's just pathetic, and don't deny it Jungkook, I know... I just do...

Jungkook: Tzuyu... I...I'm sorry...I'm sorry I messed with your feelings...

Tears kept flowing down, I can't control them anymore, everything is happening again, I quickly ran out of their dorm, I just can't face it anymore

And while outside, I can still hear the shouting of Taehyung and the slap followed afterward

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