Chapter 65

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Tzuyu's POV:

Tzuyu: Tae you should go home...

Taehyung: No, I'm not going, I'm staying with you

Tzuyu: It has been a week or more now and you've never went home's not healthy Tae, you're not getting enough sleep, I mean look at yourself...

Taehyung: Are you saying I look ugly? *Pouts*

Tzuyu: What? No!! But I mean your eye bags ARE getting larger...and your hair IS getting longer...

Taehyung: Yah!! Tzuyu-ah!! You calling your boyfriend ugly??

Tzuyu: Kinda I guess *Laughs* And aren't you my husband? *Smirks*

Taehyung jokingly hits me and laughs as well, he then gets up from his chair and lays next to me in the bed

Taehyung: I'm sleeping here then

I hopped on top of him and gave him a kiss

Tzuyu: Sweet dreams

I turned off the lights and the whole room was pitch black

It has been approximately a week since I got in hospital. I insisted on going home but the doctors said I need to stay here a while more, even though my wound is much better already. Taehyung has never left my side, he's been with me this whole week, entertaining me and just talking with me. He even stayed the night here when the doctors and nurses tried to chase him away, but eventually they gave up and Taehyung just slept here with me at the hospital.

Taehyung: Tzuyu...

Tzuyu: Hmm...

Taehyung: When are you getting out?

Tzuyu: The doctor said maybe tomorrow or the day after

Taehyung: I miss you

Tzuyu: You see me everyday Tae, I mean you practically stay in the hospital with me

Taehyung: I miss going out with you and taking you on dates

Taehyung then turned to face me, making our faces just inches away in the dark

Taehyung: As soon as you get out, I'm taking you on all the dates you can imagine...

Tzuyu: I'm not even your girlfriend

Taehyung: Huh?

Tzuyu: You never asked me to be your girlfriend again

Taehyung got closer to me and I could feel his warm breath on my face

Taehyung: Chou Tzuyu...I know this is not the most romantic occasion to ask, but will you be my girlfriend

I let out a chuckle as I grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips. Taehyung immediately kissed me back without hesitation, and I pulled back after a while

Taehyung:'s a yes?

Tzuyu: Of course Taetae you pabo!!!

Taehyung let out a chuckle as he shifted his position on the bed and faced the ceiling

Taehyung: Who knows...maybe someday, I'll ask you to be my wife?

I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulder

Tzuyu: I'd like that

Taehyung: Goodnight Tzutzu

Tzuyu: Goodnight Taetae

*            *           *

Tzuyu: You're going back already?

Ms Chou: I'm sorry Tzuyu, but we have work back in Taiwan

Mr Chou: We would stay longer but there's just so much to do

Tzuyu: I guess...well I'm gonna miss you guys...

Mr Chou: We'll miss you too Tzuyu

Ms Chou: And try not to get into any trouble again

Tzuyu: Of course

I went and hugged my parents as I bid them goodbye. As soon as they left the room I sat back down on my bed. It has been really boring being in hospital...nothing to one to talk to...and the food...

Taehyung has now gone to the cafeteria to get some food. I'm so bored waiting for him to come back... I took a look at my leg and touched the injury on it. It doesn't really hurt that much now and it has gotten a lot better...

Jun: Tzuyu ah!! How are you?

The door opened and Jun came in

Tzuyu: Wen Junhui!! I'm good, feeling a lot better

Jun came and sat in the chair next to my bed

Jun: So...there's a question on my mind that I really want an answer to

Tzuyu: Go on...

Jun: What happened back then that day? All I know is that you were back with Mingyu...but why? And when has he become so crazy? I mean I knew he was crazy all along...but he's going around shooting people now?

Tzuyu: Long explanation short, basically, Mingyu came back one day suddenly saying he wants me back, I rejected of course, but he threatened our careers, and lives even...after Tae found out and he knew, he tricked him and lured him to that dark alley...then basically...what happened...

Jun: Now Mingyu's just crazy...well don't worry, he's in prison now, for life

Tzuyu: Well, he deserves it...

Jun: Oh and if you are wondering, the public doesn't know anything about this. BigHit just released a statement saying you two are having a break from the promotions of your new song, so no one exactly knows you are shot or in hospital, just that you are taking a break

Tzuyu: That's good

Taehyung: Yeah, that's great

Taehyung suddenly walked in, holding a sandwich in his hand

Taehyung: This is for my Tzutzu

He handed me the paper bag and I stood up to give him a peck on his cheek

Jun: guys are disgusting...

Jun looked at us disgusted as he made a gagging face

Taehyung: Hey, you're just jealous that you don't have a girlfriend

Jun: AM NOT!!

Tzuyu: Oh he so is *Laugh*

Jun: Hmpf, meanies *Pouts*

Taehyung: Aww, little Junny is sad

Jun: Little Junny? Really??

Taehyung: Yup

We all laughed if each other's stupidity. The door then opened and the doctor came in

Doctor: Well sorry to ruin you guys' moment, but I have some news for you. Ms Kim, I see that you're doing a lot better now, so you may leave now.

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