Chapter 72

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Tzuyu's POV:

Taetae carried me to the Ferris Wheel as I piggy ride on his back. People everywhere were staring at us, and I could feel some paparazzi taking pictures of us in secret, but I can spot them in no difficulty...

Tzuyu: There, you see that guy?

Taehyung: The one in the mask? With the camera?

Tzuyu: Yup, paparazzi...

Taehyung: Let them, so what if they recognise us and tell the public? They're gonna know afterwards anyways

Tzuyu: Yeah...

Taehyung: Come on, let's get on the Ferris Wheel!!!

Tzuyu: I'm hungry...I want some cotton candy first!

I pointed towards a cotton candy stand and pouted at Taehyung cutely with my puppy dog eyes

Taehyung: How can I say no to that face?

Tzuyu: You better not *Smirks*

Taehyung handed me the pink cotton candy he bought for me and I immediately started eating it

Taehyung: You've got cotton candy all around your mouth Tzu

Tzuyu: So what? I'm still pretty aren't I?

Taehyung: Of course my Tzutzu *Smirks*

Tzuyu: You want some?

Taehyung: Yeah

I pulled some out and handed it to him, but he didn't take it and kissed me instead. Licking the cotton candy from around my mouth

Taehyung: It tastes good

Tzuyu: Y-yeah

My face turned bright red and it started heating up. I don't know why, but what Taehyung just did really turned me on

Taehyung: You want me to taste some again?

Tzuyu: N-no thanks

I quickly turned around and stuffed more cotton candy in my mouth as I tried to hide my burning face

Taehyung: *Laughs* Selfish...

I jokingly glared at him as he squished my cheeks from behind

Taehyung: Did I turn you on?

Tzuyu: Maybe...

Taehyung laughed as he took my hand and led me to the entrance of the Ferris Wheel

Tzuyu: The line is sooo long...

Taehyung: Don't worry babe

Taehyung then went to the front of the line and talked with the woman that worked there. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I could clearly see the woman blushing fiercely.

Taehyung then looked at me and waved me to the front of the line as the woman cut us into the front and got us into a seat

Lady: Enjoy your ride *Smiles*

Random guy: HEY!!! Why do they get to cut to the front??

Women: Shut up and back off!!!

Random guy: Hmff

The Ferris Wheel started moving and soon, we were in mid air

Tzuyu: Seriously Tae, did you flirt with the woman to get us in front?

Taehyung: Maybe...maybe not...

Tzuyu: Come on?! Really???

Taehyung: Not really that much...I mean, I just told her who I was and she was also a fan, so she kinda helped us

Tzuyu: That's wrong Tae...

Taehyung: I just want the best for my baby...

Taehyung wrapped me around his arms and started kissing my cheek, trying to cheer me up. I'm not actually mad at him, just surprised??

Tzuyu: You pabo...

Taehyung: You're the pabo

Taehyung then intertwined his fingers with mine as we just enjoyed the sunset together at the top of the Ferris Wheel

Seriously, nothing can be better than this...I love this man so much that no words can even describe...

I rested my head on his shoulder and stared at him. Just looking at him makes me feel at ease, makes me feel protected. He's also really freaking handsome that again, no words can even describe

Taehyung looked back at me and stared at me as well

Taehyung: Always

Tzuyu: Huh?

Taehyung: Always, as in we'll always be together

I smiled at Taehyung and gently kissed him on the lips

Tzuyu: Always

And like that, we were making out on the very top of the Ferris Wheel with the sunset behind us.

I love this man to bits and I really picture myself with him for the rest of my life. He is my one and eternity. No one can ever replace my feelings for him

Be mine always Taehyung...always

A/N: Shorter chapter this time😅
Also did anyone get the John Green reference?😂

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