Chapter 63

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Taehyung's POV:

Doctor: Mr Kim and Mr Wen am I right? Sorry to interrupt your little greetings, but I have news about Chou Tzuyu that you might want to know

Taehyung: What is it doctor?? Tell us please

Panic and worry overflowed me once again...would Tzuyu be alright? Was the operation a success??

Doctor: First, may I ask where her parents are?

Taehyung: Her parents are now on the plane coming here from Taiwan

Doctor: I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can only tell her family members about her situation

WHAT?? What was that?? Family members only?? For real??

Jun: No doctor, please tell us, we're really close to her

Doctor: Sorry...but it's the rules...

F*ck those rules

Taehyung: I'm her husband, now tell ME

Jun: Wh-

I sent Jun a quick glare and he immediately shut up

Doctor: Really? I've never heard that Ms Chou was in a marriage, or a relationship even...I don't know...

Taehyung: You think we would tell the whole world? Not everything we do goes to the public...and it's Ms Kim...

I prayed in my head to hope that he would buy it... At that point, I didn't care what excuse I need to use, as long as I get to know how Tzuyu was doing

The doctor looked at me suspicious, not knowing whether to believe me or not, but I kept on a straight face and Jun also helped by nodding his head

Doctor: I see...well, please come this way

Jun patted me on the back as I silently followed the doctor into a less crowded hallway

Taehyung: How is Tzuyu doing? Please tell me!!

Doctor: Now...Ms Chou...I mean Ms in a good condition. Fortunately, the bullet only hit her leg, but because she lost too much blood, she fainted...

I quickly breathed a sigh of Tzuyu is okay...she's okay...Thanks God...

Doctor: Tzuyu is a lucky's not common to be a able to survive a gun shot, even in the leg, but she managed to pull through and the operation was a success...

A smile immediately crawled onto my lips. My whole body fell to the floor as I landed on my knees and cried of happiness...yes...of happiness...

I don't think I've ever been that relieved before in my life...heck, I've never even panic that much many things were running in my head while waiting that I was just a huge freaking mess...I look like a mess too...

Taehyung: Can I go see her now? Please?

Doctor: She is now resting in bed and getting the energy she needs, so I will advise you to wait until she wakes up

As much as I wanted to just rush in her room and see her, the doctor was right...she needs rest. I slightly nodded my head as I made my way back to Jun, who was then with Tzuyu's parents

Tzuyu's mom immediately ran up to me as soon as she saw me and held my hand as she looked at me worriedly, with Tzuyu's dad and Jun following closely behind

Ms Chou: Taehyung, how is my daughter doing??

I gave them a slight smile as I wiped the tear formed in my eye

Mr Chou: Oh're crying, please don't tell me anything bad happened

Tzuyu's mom tightened her grip on my hand and looked at me with hopeful eyes

Taehyung: No sir, ma'am, Tzuyu is fine, she's alive and well and currently resting now, that was just a tear of joy...

Ms Chou's grip on my hand immediately softened as she breathed a heavy sigh of relief, as so does her husband. Jun was just in the back smiling, relieved

Ms Chou: Thank the Gods!!! Thank you so much...

I saw how they were so scared for their daughter's life that I immediately felt so guilty...nothing would've happened if I had just listened to her in the first place...and I'm the man, I'm her boyfriend...shouldn't I be protecting her instead of the other way around?? I should be the one taking the bullet...not her... I would take my life for hers anytime...I just can't afford losing her...that's how deep my love is for her

Taehyung: Sir, ma'am, I want to apologise...I'm so SO sorry...she doesn't deserve this...I should be the one taking the bullet, not her...I shouldn't have put her life at risk because of me...I'm sorry

Ms Chou immediately came and hugged me and Mr Chou just smiled at me

Ms Chou: Don't you even blame yourself for this, cause no one deserves to be hit, and blaming it on yourself just makes things worse

Mr Chou: I agree. I'll admit, this sucks, but it's no one's fault, especially not yours, so please don't blame yourself


I was actually really shocked by their responses, I thought they'd yell at me or have my ass handed to me...but no...they are seriously the sweetest people on earth that I started tearing up...AGAIN...

Jun: Taehyung, you crying AGAIN?? Seriously how many tears can one shed??

Taehyung: Yah!! Like you've never cried before!!!

I immediately wiped away my tear as we all laughed... I then immediately thought of something

Taehyung: Oh and I forgot to tell you...I may or may not have told the doctor that I'm Tzuyu's husband to get the info about her...I'm sorry but they said family members only and I was just really worried...and...

I started to ramble on my excuses, hoping Tzuyu's parents would forgive me, instead they laughed it off and told me it was okay, and that they understood

Mr Chou: But I have to ask, are you two together?

Taehyung: Well, we were...but then all this drama happened and we broke up for a while...but I don't know, we made things right again and then this I guess we are together??

Ms Chou: Do you love my daughter?

Taehyung: Yes ma'am, so so much, with my whole heart and soul

Ms Chou: Then you are perfect for Tzuyu...treat her well, she's been through a lot...

Mr Chou just nodded his head in agreement as I put my hand on my heart

Taehyung: I swear, I Kim Taehyung, will treat Tzuyu the best I can, no matter what. From now on, I swear I'll protect her with my life...nothing like this will ever happen, she means too much to me for me to lose her...

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