Chapter 36

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Taehyung's POV:

Rapmon: He's in his room

Tzuyu: Okay

I woke up to muffled sounds outside my room. Is that Tzuyu's voice?

"Knock knock"

Taehyung: Come in!!

The door opened and Tzuyu appeared. I quickly sat up straight in my bed

Taehyung: Tzuyu!! Hey!!

Tzuyu: H...hey...

Tzuyu's eyes slowly trailed down to my body and her face started to turn red

I looked down and realised I was shirtless

Taehyung: U...umm, I'll go put on a shirt now

Tzuyu just nodded her head while still awkwardly staring

God she's so cute...

I decided to play with her a bit

I got out of bed stood in front of her, my body just centimetres away from her and caressed her face

Taehyung: But if you love my shirtless body so much, then maybe there's no need to put on a shirt

Tzuyu: mean YES...NO!!

I laughed at her nervousness, I decided to play with her some more

I backed her up to the wall and put my hands on both side of the wall. I leaned down a bit, our lips almost touching but then pulled away and laughed

Tzuyu looked shocked at first, but then just stared at me while laughing herself

Tzuyu: Ya!! Taehyung!! You're such a tease!!

Taehyung: You want them?

I raised my finger and pointed at my lips

Tzuyu: I......maybe?

I laughed... This is a new side of Tzuyu that I've never seen before. She's usually very shy and quiet, but she's changed a bit, and I love it...

Taehyung: Then I shall grant your wish

I went up to her and kissed her passionately, I ran my hands down her back then up again. This is all so surreal, two weeks ago I was still fantasising about us being together and now we're actually kissing

The door suddenly opened and we both ripped ourselves away from each other

Rapmon just stood there at the doorway smirking at us

Rapmon: Just wanted to say breakfast is ready but seems like you two are getting enough already

Taehyung: I...I...

Rapmon: You two can continue, I'll excuse myself now

He closed the door still with a smirk on his face, well that was awkward

I turned to Tzuyu and decided to decrease the awkwardness by asking her something

Taehyung: Sooo, why're you here? Not that I don't want you to be *Laughs*

Tzuyu: I'm actually here cause I came by to forgive Jungkook

Taehyung: already forgave him?

Tzuyu: Yeah, and Sana too. I even told them that they can be together. After all, I've already found my happiness, so why prevent them from theirs

Taehyung: Well, I wonder who yours is

Tzuyu: Yeah I wonder too *Laughs*


Just then, my phone rang and I picked it up to see Bang PD calling me

Taehyung: Boss?

Bang PD: Kim Taehyung, bring Tzuyu and come down to the studio NOW!!

Taehyung: O...okay...

I wonder what's wrong...

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