Chapter 69

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Taehyung's POV:

Pilot: We've arrived Mr Kim

Taehyung: Thanks

I took a look at Tzuyu and found her fast asleep in her seat. She must've been very tired after dance rehearsals...and she looks so cute asleep too, I really don't want to wake her up...

I silently tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Gosh, she looks so beautiful...her eyes, her lips, her nose...everything about her just look so beautiful...I sure am lucky to have her as mine am I?

I lifted Tzuyu up bridal style and got off the plane and into a black car waiting for us. I silently set her down in the backseat with her still asleep and went to the front seat myself

Taehyung: Let's go...

* * *

Tzuyu's POV:

I woke up groggily and rubbed my eyes. Did I fall asleep? And weren't me and Taehyung on a private jet? Where am I now?

I sat up and saw that I was in a bed...and not just any bed...MY bed, as in MY bed back in Taiwan... This is...this is MY room...

I looked around and found that it was my room back in Taiwan...a room I haven't been in for AGES, and everything still is the same...

I rubbed my eyes once more and even pinched myself a couple times to make sure I wasn't dreaming... It's true, it is my room. I'm home, in Taiwan...and Taehyung brought me here

"Knock knock"

Tzuyu: Only come in if you're Taehyung *Chuckles*

Taehyung: does that mean Taetae can't come in?? Guess I should go now...

I quickly ran to the door and opened it, giving Taehyung......Taetae......a big warm hug

Taehyung: So, how do you like your surprise?

I pressed my lips against his and he responded immediately

Taehyung: So it's a yes??

Tzuyu: *Laughs* Thank you SO much don't know how much I've missed this place

I went back in my room and Tae came with me and sat on my bed

Taehyung: I thought you'd like it... I saw how much you've missed your parents back when we were at the hospital...I realised that you must be missing your hometown, so why not bring you here, and maybe you can show your boyfriend around??

Tzuyu: Sure, in that case, I'll go get Jun

Taehyung: WHAT??

Tzuyu: *Laughs* Kidding, I'll get Jimin

Taehyung crosses his arms and pouted AGAIN, he then stood up and went to the door

Taehyung: I'm done...

I ran to him and jumped on his back placing kisses on his neck

Tzuyu: Yah!!! Taetae!! Don't you worry, only you are in my heart, and I'd be happy to show you around

Taehyung smirked as he lifted me up and plopped me on the bed, he then got on the bed with me and lied right on top of me, flatting me with his body

Tzuyu: Yahh!!! You heavy ass!!!

Taehyung: Yeah, I'm heavy cause of the amount of muscles I have


I laughed hysterically as I pushed Taehyung off of me. I then lifted up his shirt and smacked his stomach...(abs)

Tzuyu: These are called FAT babe, F-A-T, fattt

Even though I had to admit...he does have abs, and it's freaking FINE

Taehyung glared at me and started tickling me

Taehyung: Hah!!! Fat huh? But you love those 'fat' don't you??

Tzuyu: *Laughs* Yeah, you wish!!

Mr Chou: Breakfast's ready!!! If you lovebirds want to eat then you better come down here!!!

Taehyung climbed off of me as I sat up, fixing my hair

Taehyung: Let's go down, I'm starving, and after that, maybe you can show me around Taiwan?

Tzuyu: Kayyy, now let's eat!!!

* * *

After breakfast, we went out and I showed Tae around my hometown, including my few favourite places and my mum's famous cafe here.

Taehyung: Where to go now??

Tzuyu: Well, I'm kinda hungry, so why don't we go to my mum's cafe. It's just right around the corner, and I if I may say, the food there is AMAZING

Taehyung: Sure, let's go

We sat down in the cafe and ordered something to eat

Taehyung: Hey...there's a girl there looking at us...

Tzuyu: Do you think she recognises us??

Taehyung: I don't know, maybe, considering we only have masks and glasses on

The girl slowly approaches our table and shyly waves at us

Girl: Hey...A-are you Chou Tzuyu and Kim Taehyung??

Tzuyu: *Smiles* Yes, we are

The girl immediately gives us the brightest smile and starts jumping non-stop

Girl: OMG!! I'm such a big fan!!! I LOVE your new song and I love Twice and BTS too!!

Taehyung: Aww, thanks so much

We took a picture with the girl and gave her our autograph

Girl: Hey, before I go...can I ask you guys something?

Tzuyu: Sure, ask away

Girl: Are...are you

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now