Chapter 35

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Tzuyu's POV:

Taehyung: Tzu, be honest with me... do you still like Mingyu?

I didn't hesitate, I wrapped my arms around Taehyung's neck and smiled at him

Tzuyu: Did you not hear what I just said? I literally confessed my love for you and now you're doubting me for still liking my horrible ex? Of course not Tae, I don't like him anymore, but the pain I experienced after that was just too hard to forget so it just keeps haunting back to me

Taehyung: Phew!! That's a relief, but about Mingyu, will you ever be able to forgive him?

Tzuyu: I don't know, maybe? I really haven't thought of it before, but why does that matter anyways? I won't ever see him again, would I?

Taehyung: I see, then what about Jungkook and Sana

Tzuyu: Yeah, I can forgive them and I will, maybe tomorrow? Yeah what they did was wrong, but I was wrong for declining Jungkook on dates too, we all have our wrongs and I think they deserve a second chance. Besides, now that I've found someone else, I've already completely moved on from Jungkook...

Taehyung acted confused and looked at me with a fake confused face

Taehyung: Really? Who's that now?

I can't help but laugh out loud, Taehyung really is something. He laughed along with me but then smashed his lips on mine again.

Taehyung: Well, the date doesn't end here, let's go get dinner shall we

Tzuyu: Of course

Yes, I know you all think I'm weird moving on so fast...but, I don't know...I just feel Taehyung is the one... Besides, now that I've thought about it, I think I may have already had a slight crush on Taehyung while I was dating Jungkook...

Maybe he's the one all along??

The right one for me??

We had dinner and Taehyung drove me back home. I had such a great day today, and it definitely was an unforgettable date...


I was fumbling for the keys to the dorm when Sana opened the door

Sana: Thought I heard sounds outside the door

Tzuyu: Oh, thanks

I went in and looked around the dorm, it's just me and Sana

Sana: The others are out for dinner, I decided to stay home, too lazy to go out

I laughed, typical Sana

Sana: Sooo...where were you?

I took a deep breath

Tzuyu: Sana...there's something I want to tell you...

She looked at me with a confused look on her face and waited for what I was going to say

Tzuyu: Sana, I forgive you

Her expression quickly changed from confused to happy, excited and relieved at the same time

Sana: Wait...really? *Smiles*

Tzuyu: Yeah, you messed up, I did too. Everybody does something wrong once in a while and I think you deserve a second chance. Also, it's be stupid to hold a grudge between us forever. I want my best friend back

Sana wrapped her arms around me happily

Sana: Thanks Chewy!! I miss my best friend too!!

Tzuyu: Also, I just wanted to say that... *Deep breath* If...if Jungkook makes you happy, then be with him, I can tell he likes you a lot, and you do too, I care for you guys happiness, so go for it if you guys want to. You have my full permission

Sana's POV:

Wait... Tzuyu is actually giving me permission to date Jungkook?

Me and Jungkook had been avoiding each other these past day. We decided that it'd be best to keep our distance for a while since we both don't want to hurt Tzuyu

I had been thinking a lot about how I was going to handle this. I was thinking of ending it with Jungkook but I just couldn't bring myself to, being I'm freaking in love him!!

I've also thought of going behind behind Tzuyu's back but that's just going to be wrong... I had no idea how I was going to handle everything and now Tzuyu's giving us permission to date!!

Sana:'re serious?

Tzuyu: Yes... you deserve happiness too Sana, not just me

Tears began to form in my eyes... I hugged Tzuyu again, this time tighter than the last. Words can't express how happy I feel right now. I seriously have the best friend ever...

Tzuyu: I get that you're happy but please don't kill me *Laughs*

Sana: Oh right *Laughs*

Realising I was still hugging her, I pulled away

Sana: So does Jungkook know yet?

Tzuyu: Not yet, I plan on going over to their dorm tomorrow to forgive him and tell him, but you can do it if you want

Sana: Nah, I think it's better for you to do it

Tzuyu: Sure *Yawns* I'm so tired, I better go to bed

Sana: Of course

Tzuyu then went to her room. I realised her phone was on the table so I picked it up and was going to give it back to her when her phone buzzed

 I realised her phone was on the table so I picked it up and was going to give it back to her when her phone buzzed

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So she was with Taehyung?

Are they a thing now?

Well whatever it is, I just hope the best for her...

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now