Chapter 70

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Taehyung's POV:

Girl: Are...are you

I took a look at Tzuyu, not knowing what to say, and with no surprise, she looked back at me, hesitating as well

Taehyung: Em...we...

Tzuyu: We are dating

The girl covered her mouth in shock and immediately starts jumping again, clearly shocked and excited by the sudden news

Girl: Oh my god...Seriously?? I ship you guys!!! I'm so happy for you two!!!

Tzuyu: Thanks!!

We hugged the girl and talked a bit more before she left. Tzuyu looked deep in though after the sudden confession and looked as if she was thinking about something important

Taehyung: What's on your mind babe?

Tzuyu: I'm thinking...why...why don't we announce our relationship out?

Taehyung: I was actually thinking the same thing...but are you afraid that it will ruin our career?

Tzuyu: may affect our career...and I do know how much your career and reputation means to if you're against it, I completely understand

Taehyung: No. Tzuyu, I tell you right here right now that nothing is more important than you and our relationship. Not our career, not anything, so I have no objections about telling it to the public, because I to want to as well. If the public, our fans, our haters don't support us, then who cares? Cause I absolutely don't, and if this will ruin our career, then let them, cause what matters is you and me, being happy and comfortable with each other and not having the need to disguise ourselves when we go out on a date. I just want us to be happy together, so...let's do this...

Tzuyu: I agree, I love you Taehyung and I want the world to know that we are together

Taehyung: And I want to let the world know Chou Tzuyu is mine and mine only, so the others can f*ck off, cause this pretty sexy girl is mine *Laughs*

Tzuyu: *Laughs* And this handsome pabo is my boyfriend

Tzuyu leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, attracting some attention from some other people in the restaurant

Taehyung: Do you think they recognise us?

Tzuyu: Maybe some of them...but this leads me and when are we going to announce the news?

Taehyung: I'm thinking...after our vacation...and we'll find some special way to tell the public

Our food then arrived and we finished it as fast as we can

Taehyung: The food really is good!!

Tzuyu: Of course, this restaurant only offers the best *Laughs* Come on, I still have a lot of places to show you.

Taehyung: *Laughs* Well then let's go!!

Me and Tzuyu left the cafe with a full stomach and she continued to show me around Taiwan

Taehyung: So, where to next Master Tzutzu?

Tzuyu: Master Tzutzu?? *Laughs*

Taehyung: Yeah...I don't know, new nickname? *Laughs*

Tzuyu: Well, I'm not telling you, so I'm driving

Tzuyu quickly hopped in the driver's seat before I could protest and started the car, all I could do was just cross my arms and get in the passenger's seat

Taehyung: Do you even have a drivers license? I don't want to die young

Tzuyu: Of course I do, and don't worry pabo, you won't die

Taehyung: Yeah...of course...

Tzuyu: Hey!! Don't underestimate me!!!

I chuckled as the car started moving, and surprisingly, I wasn't dead yet...

Taehyung: Can you at least tell me where we're going?

Tzuyu: Nope, after all this time you've surprised me, it my turn now

Well, I guess it IS fair...

Tzuyu: All I can tell you is that it means a lot to me...

Her voice trailed off as she clenched her grip on the wheel. She suddenly looked very serious and maybe anxious even, it must really means a lot to her...

Tzuyu: I've never taken anyone there you're the first...

Tzuyu smiled a bit as she continued to look forward to the road

Taehyung: Well, I'm honoured then

I took her hand which is resting on the gear shift and intertwined my fingers with hers. She looked at the rear view mirror as she smiled at me

Taehyung: Yah!!! Keep your eyes on the road!! I don't want to die yet

Tzuyu rolled her eyes she she shifted them back to the road

Tzuyu: You're seriously killing the mood here

Taehyung: *Laughs* You know it

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now