Chapter 46

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Taehyung's POV:

"5...4...3...2...1......It dropped!!"

Me and Tzuyu were both sitting on my bed as we were waiting for our new song to drop

Tzuyu: OMO!! It's out now!!

Taehyung: Yeah!! I can already imagine the shocked expression on every fan's face right now *Laughs*

Tzuyu: Me too...... Oh!! The MV has already dropped too, let's watch it!!

I nodded my head and grabbed my laptop, we went on YouTube and clicked on the newly released MV

Tzuyu laid her head in my shoulder as we watched the video together. It was a romantic themed one and I'm really glad that I got to shoot it with Tzuyu

Tzuyu: The fans are gonna freak out when they see this video, especially the Taetzu shippers *Chuckles*

Taehyung: The what?

Tzuyu: The Taetzu shippers, ya' know, our ship name...

I thought for a sec before I finally got it and laughed out loud

Taehyung: Ah!! Taetzu!! *Laughs*

Tzuyu: Yah!! What's so funny?

Taehyung: Nothing...the name's very cute...

Tzuyu suddenly turned to me and placed a small peck on my lips...I froze for a second...

Taehyung: What was that for?

Tzuyu: Nothing...I'm just glad I get to be your girlfriend...

I blushed as she said that...she sure is full of surprises...

Tzuyu's POV:

As soon as the video is over, I received a load of texts from my friends and family, congratulating me on the release of the MV, and some were surprised that I actually had a song with Taehyung

I scrolled down a bit and saw a text from "unknown". I immediately froze as I saw and hesitated if I should look at it or not

I took a look at Taehyung and he was scrolling through his phone too, replying to texts he got

I stared at my phone for a second, but gave in eventually and took a look at the text

BB? Why does that nickname sound so familiar?? Who calls me that? Why can't I just remember?

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BB? Why does that nickname sound so familiar?? Who calls me that? Why can't I just remember?

I shook it all off and deleted the texts as soon as possible... I really hope it's just someone playing with me

I took a look at Taehyung and he's watching our MV again. I scooted over to him and looked at the comments


Sooo cute!! Do you think there're real??

[FML1000] don't like it...

I once read in a magazine that they're dating!! It may be real!!


Taehyung: Well, looks like the majority likes it

Tzuyu: Yeah, and a lot are saying they ship us too

Taehyung hugs me tight then rests his head on my lap

Taehyung: How I just wanna tell them that we actually are real... *Pouts*

I can't help but laugh, he looks so cute when he pouts

Tzuyu: Aww...Taehyungie pabo...

I patted his head and ran my hand through his hair messing it up

Taehyung: Yah!! Chewy pabo!!

Taehyung sits up and pouts cutely again and I just can't help but laugh at can someone be so cute?

Taehyung then suddenly leans in and kisses me, I was taken aback at first, but then slowly responded as I wrapped my arms around his back and deepened the kiss

Taehyung suddenly pushes me back causing me to lie flat on the back while he kisses me. He trails his kisses down my neck and back to my lips again

Just then, his phone rang and we broke our kiss

Taehyung took a look at the caller and moaned as he answered the call

Taehyung talked on the phone for a while then hung up

Taehyung: It's my manager, apparently we have a show in a few days so we need to go to the studio for rehearsals now

Tzuyu: Us?

Taehyung: Yup, let's go!!

Ugh...practice again...

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now