Chapter 41

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Tzuyu's POV:

Finally!! Today is the day of the MV shooting!! I've been looking forward to this day for so long already. My very first MV with should be...interesting...

I woke up early in the morning and went to the studio to get my makeup and hair done first

Since the concept for this MV is going to be romance, they dressed me in a beautiful white dress and curled my hair a bit. They even changed my makeup up a bit and made me look really pretty

As soon as I exited my dressing room, I saw Tae there standing outside my door waiting for me

He was wearing a black tux and had a white tie around his neck. It was actually the first time seeing him in a tux, and let's just say it suited me well...REALLY well...

He even had his hair changed. He cut his bangs a bit, making them kinda sweep to the side, and he also dyed his hair from blonde to light brown. In other words, he looked amazing...almost...perfect...

Taehyung looked up and his jaw dropped as he just stared at me, I can't help but chuckle

Tzuyu: Hey do I look?

Taehyung: mean just look so beautiful...

Tzuyu: Thanks, you too, you look great in a tux too and I love your hair

Taehyung: Th...thanks, maybe I should keep it like this

We shot a few scenes at the studio in front of a green screen, then we went out and shot a few scenes outside, like at the sky rose garden and the beach

Everything was so romantic, we stayed at the beach till dawn and held hands while just admiring the beautiful sunset

Director: Alright guys, we're finished here!! Take a little break, then we're onto the last place of the day!!

Taehyung: This place sure is beautiful huh?

Tzuyu: is

We were both walking on the beach while still holding hands

Taehyung suddenly stops and faces me, he looks at me straight in the eyes and slowly tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear

Taehyung: You are seriously so so beautiful Chou Tzuyu, inside and out...

Taehyung slowly leans in, he closes his eyes and our lips are about to meet

Director: Guys!! Break's over, lets go!!

Taehyung: *Mutters* Ugh...stupid manager...

He backs away and takes my hand

Taehyung: So, shall we go?

Tzuyu: Sure, let's go

We climbed into the black van parked outside and headed to our last stop

Namsan Tower

As soon as I climbed out the van, I saw a beautiful tall tower in front of me

Believe it or not, out of all the years I've been living in Korea, I've never visited the Namsan Tower before, I've just never had time to. Finally seeing the famous tower that everyone has been talking about in front of me, I can't help but stare at it in awe

Taehyung: It's beautiful huh? Especially at night

Tzuyu: Yeah, it really is, it's my first time seeing it in person as well

Taehyung: Really? I've been here a few times before, the view up there is breathtaking. *Points at the tower*

Tzuyu: Well, I would wish to go up there sometime...

Manager: Alright guys!! Let's start!!

We shot a few scenes around the tower and in the cable car now it's onto the last scene

In the scene, he had to kiss me...

Well...ALMOST kiss me...

Taehyung leaned in and caressed my face. I held my breath the whole time, I could feel his breathing against my face and his eyes staring deep into my soul

Taehyung: *Whsipers* Relax, let's get this scene over with *Smiles*

I couldn't do anything but to just slightly nod my head

Taehyung leans in more until our lips almost touch......and......

Director: CUT!! We're finished!!

Instead of backing away, Taehyung just went for my lips, he kissed me...

I was taken aback at first, but I quickly responded, I've been waiting for this moment the whole day...finally...

Director: Cut it out lovebirds, the scene is already finished *Smirks*

Taehyung slowly backs away and just glares at the director

Manager: Alright, since they have finally finished sticking their tongue into each other throats, let's pack up and leave, it's been a long day

The crew all went into a cable car to go back down, I was about to follow them when Taehyung grabbed me

Taehyung: Oh, WE are not leaving yet... *Smirks*

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