Chapter 53

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Tzuyu's POV:

Mingyu pulled up in a dark street filled with old stores and bars everywhere

Tzuyu: I thoughts you said we're going to a club?

Mingyu: Shut up and just follow me

I didn't say anything after that and we walked down a street to a dark stairway. Mingyu started walking up the stairs as I stood there frozen

Mingyu: What're you waiting for? Come up here!!

Tzuyu: It's dark and scary...

Mingyu rolled his eyes. He came back down the stairs and grabbed a handful of my hair as he dragged me up the stairs with him

Tzuyu: OW!! OW!! Stop it Mingyu!! IT HURTS!!

Mingyu: And I don't care

He continued dragging me up the stairs as we came towards a door with loud music coming out of it. He opened it and revealed a club...who would've guessed there would be a freaking CLUB up here!!

I wiped away the tears that formed in my eyes. I couldn't let him see me like this or he would just yell at me more. I obediently followed him in and he immediately went to the dance floor. Leaving me there by myself. What's the meaning of bringing me here then??

I took a look at the exit and had the sudden urge to escape...I just wanted to open that door and get the hell out of this place...but that's just stupid. I wouldn't want to make Mingyu angry and he would just find me anyways. HELL he even knows where I live!!

Suddenly, someone's hand was on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a creep smirking at me and looking me up and down

Creep: Well, aren't you just a pretty lady...

Tzuyu: Leave me alone...

Creep: No way, I mean why would I? Just looking at your body makes me imagine the things I would do to you...

The creep then looks down at my body and licks his lips disgustingly. I tried to turn back and run away but he grabbed my arm and held it tight

Creep: Oh, you aren't going anywhere *Glares*

Why does trouble always seem to follow me? Can't people just leave me alone?? Can't I just have a happy life?

I was starting to feel scared. The creep was trying to drag me away and I was too weak to fight. That's it, I'm going to lose my virginity to this creep...


A voice suddenly came from behind followed by a punch to the creep's face, resulting to him falling flat on the floor, knocked out cold

I was so scared that I couldn't move until a pair of muscular arms embraced me. It felt warm...cozy...and familiar. For some reason...I returned just felt right

I broke away from the hug after a while and took a look at my saviour


Taehyung stood there in front of me looking at me while stumbling to balance on his feet. He looked drunk...really drunk

I took a look at Mingyu and saw that he was still dancing. Without thinking, I hugged Taehyung again to which he pulled away after a while

Taehyung: *Hic* cheated *hic* on don't looooveee me anymoore... *hic*

Is that what he really thinks? That I don't love him?

Tzuyu: Taehyung ah...look at me

I grabbed Taehyung's head and faced it towards me. He pouted cutely at me and crossed his arms

Tzuyu: Taehyung, I still love you, and please know that I'm doing this because I love you

I know he won't remember it the next morning, but I have to tell him...

Tzuyu: I love you so much much that it hurts...I won't even leave you if......if this didn't happened... I'm so sorry Tae...but it's for your own good...

Taehyung's puffed up his cheeks as his face turned red and tears fell down his eyes

Taehyung: I'm huuurt... *hic* I need Tzuyuuuu. I love Tzuyu... I hate Mingyuuu. What's so *hic* good about him?? He hurted her...he hurted my Tzuyuu... I'm so hurt *hic*

I started crying too. He really was hurt because of me...I felt bad, even though that he thinks I cheated on him, he still loves me...and here I am acting as if I'm so in love with Mingyu...

Is everything even worth it?? Would Taehyung rather I stop hurting him but ruin his career? Or the other way round?? Is this all worth the love between us??


Oh no, it's Jimin, I can't let him see me!!

I took one last look at broken Taehyung. I kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear

Tzuyu: *Whisper* I love you

I turned away and quickly left...

Is it all worth it??

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