Chapter 49

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Taehyung's POV:

I ran out of the room as quick as I can. I couldn't stand being in there with them one more second

I stood in the dark alley outside in the pouring rain. It hurts so badly...even more than I could admit

I've fallen for her so much during this time, I didn't even think once about losing her...

Tears started pouring down my face, one by one, until I was bawling my eyes out. This hurts so much more than when her and Jungkook started dating...

Knowing that she cheated on me...with her EX!! The ex that she once loved so much...why won't she choose him over me...

Also knowing that he once hurted her so bad...doesn't she know better than to get back with that guy?!?!

My heart ached so much...anger and hurt mixed inside me... I didn't know what to feel, I couldn't think straight

My heart ached that Tzuyu is with another guy, but at the same time I was angry...that she cheated on me...

I saw her kiss her ex!! She said it's not true but if it really isn't then she would've come after me...right?

I walked down the dark alley in the pouring rain. I grabbed my phone and dialed Jimin's number.

 I grabbed my phone and dialed Jimin's number

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Jimin: Tae?

Taehyung: Hey Jimin...can you come pick me up...

Jimin: What's wrong Tae? You sound like you've been crying...

Taehyung: *Deep breath* Just come pick me up first...

Jimin: Sure, hang in there bro

Jimin has been my best friend for so long now, he always knows when there's a problem

I stood there still in the pouring rain. I know it's silly but a part of me wants Tzuyu to run out to me and tell me everything's okay, that we aren't over, that everything is a misunderstanding...

That didn't happen......

A white car then pulled up and a hand waves me in

Jimin: Woah, Tae!! Why were you in the rain?
And were you crying?

I couldn't bring myself to answer him, I just looked out the window hoping to avoid his questions

Jimin's POV:

Taehyung didn't answer me but looked out the window

I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him and find him quietly crying. I didn't question him any further but quietly drive us back to our dorm

Knowing Tae, something big must've happened... For all the years I've known Tae, I've rarely seen him cry...maybe just once when his grandmother passed away, but never after.

It hurts seeing my bro like this...he's usually this cheerful guy... Whatever happened, it must've hurt him deeply

We arrived at the dorm and he was about to climb out the car when I stopped him

Jimin: Nah uh, you aren't going anywhere until you tell me what happened

Taehyung: Can I not talk about it please?

Jimin: *Deep breath* Come on bro...please? I really care about you, and seeing you like this...I wanna know what happened

Taehyung couldn't hold it in anymore and cried his eyes out while I hugged him

Taehyung: Tzuyu......Tzuyu cheated on me with her ex...

So they were dating all along...and she cheated on him?? Wasn't SHE cheated on as well? Why would she do that?

I didn't say anything but continue comforting Tae while he continues to explain to me what went down just now

Jimin: Tae...I'm sorry bro...I know how much you love her, but honestly...I think there's an explanation to all of this... I mean Tzuyu was cheated on as well...and from what you just said about her ex, she's been cheated on twice too...I really don't think she would do this unless there's an explanation...

Taehyung: *Sniffs* I don't know...but if that was it, I'm sure she will tell me...for now, I'll just keep my distance with her...I'll tell my manager that we're done promoting...I seriously can't do this anymore...

Jimin: Of course...

I comforted him once more then he climbed out the car

Sh*t must've gone down... I know how much Taehyung loves Tzuyu, so I really hope they fix this...

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