Chapter 17

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Jungkook's POV:

She chose him over me again...

I knew she said that she's not choosing anyone, but I still feel so betrayed and hurt...

She broke the promise she gave me, she said she would always be there for me no matter what, and now... it's all about TAEHYUNG!!

I'm so messed up right now, I picked up my phone and started to scroll through my contacts until it landed on one name

I'm so messed up right now, I picked up my phone and started to scroll through my contacts until it landed on one name

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Without thinking, I immediately pressed call. I don't know why but she is the first person who comes to my mind when Tzuyu rejects me...

It's actually the third time this week, the first time is when I met Sana at the beach. The second time is two days ago when she rejected me again because of work and this is the third time

And every time, I turn to Sana for help...

After a few beeps through the phone

Sana: Hello? Jungkook?

Jungkook: Hey Sana...

Sana: Lemme guess... Tzuyu again??

Jungkook: Yup... rejected me once again for WORK... It just seems like she is too busy for me nowadays

Sana: *Sigh* Hey... you wanna talk about it in person? I'm free today...

Jungkook: That would be great actually, coffee shop again?

Sana: Sure, meet in 30 minutes, see you then

Jungkook: Ok, bye...

Yeah, I introduced her to the coffee shop me and Tzuyu usually go to, I don't know why but I just want to share the place with her, and maybe because it's a good place to talk.

At the coffee shop

I went in and saw Sana sitting there besides the window, I went to her table and sat down

Sana: Hey Kookie... *Clears throat* I... I mean Jungkook......

Jungkook: *Laughs* Hey Sana

She called me Kookie... I don't mind that one bit actually...

Sana: Good to see you laughing and not stressing about Tzuyu... *Smiles*

That smile......

Jungkook: Thanks to you haha, *Mumbles* and you can call me Kookie if you want...

Sana: *Giggles* Kookie~


I can't help but blush fiercely and I guess Sana noticed cause she put her hands on my cheeks

Sana: Your cheeks are so red Kookie, do you need some ice to cool off? *Laughs*

Gosh... what is this girl doing to me??

Without thinking, I grabbed her hands and leaned closer to her face until our nose were just inches apart. She immediately gasped, and was obviously taken in by surprise

Jungkook: *Smirks* I don't need ice, but can I have you instead??

Sana's face then turns into a bright red tomato

I let go of her hands and leaned back and laughed

Jungkook: Whose blushing now??

Sana: Yaaa!! Jungkook ahh!! *Jokingly hits him*

Jungkook: * Laughs* I actually feel a lot better now, about the whole Tzuyu situation I mean

Sana: Really? That's great

Jungkook: Yeah, you just have this special effect on me that just gets me every time

Oh sh*t... Did I say that out loud...

Sana doesn't say anything, she just blushes fiercely

The coffee shop suddenly seem like there's just the two of us inside. I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly leaned closer to her, and she does the same...

Our lips were just inches apart......

I'm definitely falling for her,


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