Chapter 61

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Are you guys ready???

⚠️Extreme chapter coming your way, you've been warned⚠️


Taehyung's POV:


Taehyung: HYUNG!! I'm going out now!!!

Suga: Where are you going?

Taehyung: Meeting with someone, I'll be back in a bit

Suga: Kay!! Be safe!!

I grabbed my stuff and rushed out the door to my car. Just as I was about to drive off, another car pulled in...

Weird...isn't that Tzuyu's car??

I was about to go out and check but I looked at my watch again and found that I would be late if I didn't hurry, so I just shrugged it off and headed to the address I was given

*            *           *

I pulled up into a dark alley where the address took me to

Taehyung: This should be it...or did I remember wrong??

I opened the window and stuck my head out to look around. There was no one, absolutely no one...did I go to the wrong address??

The place was kind of creepy too, it was dark, really dark, it was the kind of place where the bad guys would hang out...

Chills went down my spine...I kind of regret not listening to Momo about coming alone...

I took out my phone and was about to call Mingyu when I realise that I don't have his number...

Taehyung: Dang it...why didn't I ask him for it

I slouched down in my seat, thinking about what to do next, when a voice came from outside the window

Mingyu: Looking for me?

Mingyu came near my window and stuck his head into my car

Taehyung: Mingyu!! I'm so glad...I thought I went to the wrong address...

Mingyu: Nah, you came right...and I see you came alone? Smart...

Mingyu smirked at me as I exited the car

Taehyung: Anyways...why is this so creepy? Why did we have to meet here?

Mingyu suddenly laughed, he continued to smirk at me. And that's when I realise we weren't alone...he had two men by his side, both really big and scary looking...

One had blonde black hair and looked as he was a mix between American and Korean. The other one had mint green hair and had a scary look to him

Mingyu: How stupid of you to come really think I would forgive you or even HELP you after you stole my girl??

Wait...WHAT?? This is all a trap??

My mind was was all over the place...of course he won't forgive us...he's Mingyu...what was I thinking?? I should have listened to Tzuyu...

Taehyung: Th-this is all a trap??

Mingyu: Of course my little Taehyung, and only you are stupid enough to fall for it... *Smirks* Meet my two friends here...Vernon and Wonwoo...

He then turned his gaze to the both of them and gestured his hand to me

Mingyu: Get him

The two scary looking men came and grabbed both my arms. I tried to resist, but they were too strong...

Taehyung: PUT ME DOWN!!

I tried to sound strong and act like I wasn't afraid, but deep down, I was terrified

Mingyu looked at me and laughed again

Mingyu: Look at you...pretending to be tough and strong...PATHETIC

Mingyu laughed at me as I continued to try and run, but the two men were too strong...I just couldn't move

Mingyu suddenly took out a gun from his pocket and pointed it at me

Mingyu: Stay still little Taehyung and say goodbye to your life...this is what you get for messing with me...

I looked at the gun pointed straight at me and immediately thought of my life...of Tzuyu...

Tzuyu...we've had so much together...I love her so so much...and after I have died...she'll be forced to go back to Mingyu...and I wouldn't be able to do anything cause I'll be dead by then...

Funny how your life is about to end and all you can think of is the love of your life...

Mingyu: Bye Bye TAEHYUNG

Mingyu laughed as he put his finger on the trigger. I closed my eyes and braced myself

Bye bye Tzuyu...

I love you...




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