Chapter 10

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Tzuyu's POV:

Sana: So they found you a partner for your upcoming project?

Tzuyu: Yeah and apparently I'm going to meet him later. I just hope it is Jungkook

Sana: *Fakes laughs* Haha yeah yeah... but if it isn't him, it's still gonna be a member from BTS?

Tzuyu: Yeah, that's what they told me. Oh!! Look at the time, I have to go now

Sana: Where are you meeting him?

Tzuyu: I'm gonna meet him and Bang PD at the Bighit company with JYP

Sana: Oh I see... well tell me who you get

Tzuyu: Ok...

Wow... she really is curious with who I'm gonna get as my partner......

But I'm kinda guessing it's gonna be Jungkook

JYP: You ready to go?

Tzuyu: Yea...Yeah

JYP: *Haha* You nervous?

Tzuyu: Yeah, a little, just wondering who I'm gonna be partnered up with

JYP: You'll like him, I think...

We went in the car and rode to Bighit company. It is a 10 minute ride there so we arrived there in just a while.

I was literally sweating the whole time, not really knowing who I'm gonna get. JYP said I will like him, so it's someone I know?

At the company

We arrived a little early so I went to the washroom to tidy myself up. Right when I was heading there, I bumped into someone, causing me to fall onto the floor.

Wow, whoever that is has a hard body, he must work out a lot, it was as if I bumped into a wall

??: Oh gosh!! You alright? I'm sorry I wasn't looking at where I was going! Here... *Holds out hand*

I took his hand and got up, I dusted my clothes and looked up to see Taehyung staring RIGHT at me!!

OMG!! That was Taehyung!!! How embarrassing...

Taehyung's POV:

I headed into the company and started to find Bang PD, while I was looking for him, I felt a girl bumped into me and fell onto the floor!

I can't quite see the girl's face cause she was looking down, but I immediately apologised and held out my hand to help her up, she took it, and just by that slight movement, I felt electricity shock through my body.

She dusted her clothes a bit and looked up. It was Tzuyu......


I feel my face heating up and turning into a tomato, and apparently she's doing the same thing......

We were just awkwardly staring at each other, BLUSHING, until she broke the silence

Tzuyu: Oh... u...umm Taehyung!! NO! No need to apologise , I was the one who bumped into you, no worries!!

Taehyung: U...umm...but again, I'm sorry. Are you hurt?? *Scans her body for injuries*

Tzuyu: *Awkwardly laughs* I'm fine! Perfectly fine!!

Taehyung: Phew, what a relief!! S....soooooooo what are you doing here?

Oh gosh... I sound like a doofus and I sound like I didn't want her here...

Taehyung: Not because I don't want you here!!! I really want you here!!! Just curious...... *Blushes fiercely*

Oh boy, what am I even doing with my life

Tzuyu: *Chuckles* I'm here for my upcoming project, apparently I'm gonna get paired up with someone from BTS, do you know who it is?

Wait... what?? If she is here, and I was called by Bang PD to come here for my upcoming project...

Taehyung: I may know who it is...

Tzuyu: Who is it? *Excitement clearly displayed on her face*

Oh gosh, she is just so cute... How I could get lost in her smile forever... and those eyes......

Bang PD: Ahh Taehyung! I see you've already met your partner!!

JYP: What a coincidence!! Tzuyu this is your partner Taehyung

Bang PD: And Taehyung, this is your partner Tzuyu

Oh my god...

A/N: Hey guys!! It's the author here.👋🏻 I just want to say that this is my longest chapter ever to celebrate chapter 10!! Also I really want to thank you guys for the support you've given me, you really don't know how much it means to me!!❤️❤️

I'll try my best to update as fast as I could since I'm having my exams right now, but I hope you guys can keep on enjoying my story and keep on supporting it! Hwaiting!😘💪🏻

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