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Taehee's POV:


I quickly jumped out of bed as soon as I heard the sharp screeching coming from the living room

Taehee: Jeez mum, I'm up I'm up...

Taejoon, my annoying twin brother suddenly ran in my room and flopped on my bed

Taejoon: Sissy! First day of secondary school eh?

Taehee: Kim Taejoon, get up

Taejoon: Nah uh, your bed is comfortable

Taehee: It's the exact same as yours!!

Taejoon: Says who?

I swear, we are only a few minutes' age difference but he's so much more childish than me

Taehyung: Kids, get ready for school, you're gonna be late

Our dad came in my room and picked me and my brother up and carried us to the living room

Taehee: Daaaddd, we're not babies anymore

Our mum then came in our room also

Tzuyu: Of course you are, you two are always my babies

Taehyung: Hey, how about me?

Tzuyu: Doof...

I swear my family is crazy...

Taehee: I'm gonna get ready now, gotta look extra beautiful for the first day of school

Taehyung: Why?

Taejoon: Cause she has a crush on Jungmin *Smirks*

Taehee: Oh shut up

Jungmin—Jungkook and Sana's son...freaking handsome as hell though, have had the biggest crush on him since I could even remember

I went to the bathroom to took a quick shower and picked myself a cute outfit to wear for the day as I got out the bathroom

Jungmin: Wow Taehee, you look beautiful...

Taehee: Ju-Jungmin? Why are you here?

Jungmin: Well, the whole fam is coming later. We do live right next to each other, and I gotta walk my favourite girl to school right?

I slight blush crept to my cheeks as I tried to hide it

Taejoon: Ohhhhh, someone's blushin!

Taehee: Oh shut up, you're annoying!

Taejoon: I know *Chuckles*

Jinhyun: We're here!

Hyejim: Interrupting something? HOLY SHEEET, YOUR FACE IS BURNING RED TAEHEE!

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