Chapter 43

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Tzuyu's POV:

Taehyung: Chou Tzuyu...will you be my girlfriend?

I couldn't believe it, he was actually asking me to be her girlfriend...and in the most romantic way possible too...

He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes and I could see the nervousness and excitement in his eyes while waiting for my answer...

How could I say no to that face?

But first, let's tease him a bit...

Tzuyu: I...I don't know Tae...

Taehyung's face immediately dropped, he darted his eyes away and just stared at the floor with a hurt expression on his face

Taehyung: get it...It's too soon, I'm sorry...

He turned away and was ready to leave, I immediately grabbed his arm and spun him around, placing a small peck on his lips while he just stared at me with shock and confusion. I couldn't help but just laugh at him

Tzuyu: I was just kidding Tae, I'd be honoured to be your girlfriend

Taehyung: Wait...really?

Tzuyu: Yup...

I said as I pecked his lips once again

Taehyung's expression immediately softened and his lips slowly curved into a smile as he lifted me up into the air and spun me around a few times

Taehyung: Yah!! Tzuyu-ah!! You almost gave a heart attack!! *Laughs*

He clutched his heart and pretended to feel hurt, I can't help but just laugh at his silliness

Tzuyu: How can I say no to you Kim Taehyung?

Taehyung laughs at me and holds both of my hands

Taehyung: Now that you are officially mine, I won't ever let you go, and I won't ever let anyone else touch what's mine...

Tzuyu: *Chuckles* Over protective much?

Taehyung: Yup, and you love it, don't you?

Taehyung came over and hugged me, while I just melt in his warm embrace. We then decided it was time to leave and took the cable car back down, making sure no one can see us as we put on our disguise

As we went down, I once again received a message from the "unknown" number

I'm seriously getting creeped out now, I first thought it'd just be a sasaeng messing with me, but now I thought different

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I'm seriously getting creeped out now, I first thought it'd just be a sasaeng messing with me, but now I thought different... I decided to text back the number and ask who he/she is

I then quickly tucked my phone into my pocket, realising we are already there

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I then quickly tucked my phone into my pocket, realising we are already there

Taehyung: You okay?

Tzuyu: Ye...yeah, let's go

Taehyung again didn't urge me to tell him even though he could sense something is off. He took my hand and helped me off the cable car, but immediately released it as we didn't want to risk getting caught by fans or paparazzis

We realised the the crew didn't wait for us and had already left, so Tae called Jimin to pick us up

A car pulled up a while later and a hand waved us in, as we got in, I took a look at the driver and it wasn't Jimin...

It was Jungkook!!

Jungkook: Hey...Jimin is busy now so he asked me to pick you guys up instead...

Taehyung: Su...sure...

The car ride back was sooooo awkward. No one said anything and we just rode in complete silence

After a while, we finally got back to my dorm. I climbed out of the car and waved the boys goodbye. I was about to go in when I heard Taehyung called me from behind

Taehyung: Wait!! Tzu!!

He climbs out the car as well and approaches me holding my hands

Taehyung: I had a great day today...also, I can now finally sleep in peace knowing you're mine now *Chuckles*

Tzuyu: *Smiles* I had a great day too Tae

Taehyung then leans in and places a kiss on my cheek

Taehyung: I'll see you soon

Tzuyu: You too

Taehyung backs away then climbs back into the car and waved at me as the car pulls away

Everything is now finally looking brighter, all thanks to Taehyung...

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now