Chapter 48

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Tzuyu's POV:

I was FROZEN. My body was stiffened and my eyes were bulged out

The man in front of me...

Kim Mingyu!!

The one who ruined my life back then, the one who broke my heart into a million pieces, the one who ruined my life!! Here standing right in front of me!! I was sooo scared that I didn't know what to do, I just stood there, frozen at the spot

Mingyu: Tzuyu BB, did you miss me? I told you I'll come back for you and here I am *Smirks*


The thought suddenly hit me, HE was the one who has been texting me the past few weeks!! Of course it's him!! He's the only one who calls be "BB"

My fear slowly turned into anger. After years!! Freaking years!! He's here standing in front of me, telling me he wants me back!! What the fuck?!?! The guy who dated me only for the money now wants me back?! Because I'm famous and successful now??

I took all of my might to push him back. He stumbled a bit but then quickly regained his composure

Tzuyu: What the fuck are you doing here Mingyu??

Mingyu: *Chuckles* What I just said, to get you back

He caressed my face with his disgusting hand and I quickly slapped it away. My anger is slowly growing more and more, who does he think he is?

Tzuyu: You came back for me? YOU admitted yourself you dated me just for the MONEY!! I'm worth $100 to you!! Now that I'm famous and successful you come back for me??

An evil smirk creeps up his face

Mingyu: Of course not, I just realised how much I missed you, besides shouldn't you be happy that I want you back, given how much you love me?

Tzuyu: YOU'RE CRAZY!! I admit I loved you THEN, but never now!! You're just a DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT!!

Mingyu's lifted up his hand and slapped me across the face...HARD

I couldn't believe what just happened and raised my palm up to where he just slapped me

Mingyu: Be thankful I only slapped you, you wouldn't want to know what else I would do

A tear slid down my face. I couldn't believe this was happening

Mingyu lifted his thumb and wiped my tear away. His expression quickly changed as he flashed me a smile

This guy is fucking crazy...

Suddenly footsteps trailed from outside the room, I immediately thought of yelling for help but as soon as I opened my mouth, a pair of lips were on mine


Mingyu's lips finally left mine, leaving me there dumbfounded. I still couldn't believe what just happened

Mingyu just looks at Taehyung and smirks and Taehyung just looks at me with a terrified and angry look on his face

Taehyung: WELL? Why were you kissing that guy? Who is HE?

Before I could answer, Mingyu beat me to it

Mingyu: I'm his boyfriend, Mingyu *Smirks*

Taehyung: MINGYU?? As in your ex?

Taehyung just looks at me with horrid eyes, as if not believing what was happening

Tzuyu: NO!! It's not like that...

Mingyu: Yeah, cause we got back together

Tzuyu: WHA-




I couldn't talk, I didn't know what to say. Tears formed in my eyes and slowly slid down

Taehyung: That's it, we're done here

Tzuyu: WAIT!! NO!! Didn't tell me you believe him!! Trust me...

Taehyung: I can't, not after that...we're done here...

Taehyung looks down and walks out the room. I immediately ran after him but Mingyu grabbed my arm before I could make it to him

Mingyu: Nah uh!! You're with me now... *Smirk*

Tears wouldn't stop flowing down my face... I still couldn't believe me and Taehyung are done...that he walked out on me...that he believed him...

Tzuyu: WHAT DO YOU WANT?? Haven't you done enough already??

Mingyu: Oh no *Laughs* Don't be silly!! As I said you're mine

Tzuyu: SHUT UP!! I'll never be yours!!

Mingyu's smirk slowly started to fade, his whole demeanour changed as he looked at me with a cold expression and glared at me

Mingyu: You'll be, if you don't want me to tell the whole world about you and Taehyung, and god knows what would happen to your careers if the news got out. So be with me or else...

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