Chapter 66

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Taehyung's POV:

Doctor: Well sorry to ruin you guys' moment, but I have some news for you. Ms Kim, I see that you're doing a lot better now, so you may leave the hospital.

Tzuyu: Wait...I can FINALLY leave?

The doctor chuckled as he nodded his head and handed her the discharge papers

Doctor: Here are your discharge papers. Remember to take good care of your wound when your at home, and look after it with care or it can get infected easily

Tzuyu nodded her head as she quickly signed the papers

Doctor: Well, you're good to go. Make sure you take all your belongings

Tzuyu: Of course. Gamsahamnida

Taehyung: So, you ready to finally get outta here? Cause I am

Tzuyu: *Laughs* You know you're not the one in hospital right? You can easily just go out, and don't you guys have an album to work on

Taehyung: Nah, my Tzutzu is more important

Tzuyu: *Mumbles* Pabo

Taehyung: Yah!!! Chou Tzuyu!!! What was that?

Tzuyu: Oh nothing, just called you a pabo...

Taehyung: YAH!!!

I lounged myself at Tzuyu and started tickling her

Tzuyu: Stop Tae *Laughs* Stooppp

Taehyung: Nope!!

I pushed her onto the bed and placed kisses on her neck

Tzuyu: Taehyung ah, we're still in the hospital

Taehyung: Stop complaining and just let me kiss you

Tzuyu: Taehyung...the doctor can come in any moment now...

I got up and pouted at her as I crossed my arms

Taehyung: Hmpf

Tzuyu: *Laughs* Now turn around so I can change

Taehyung: Can't I watch?

I continued to use my aegyo on her as I pouted cutely. Tzuyu blushed a bit and laughed it off

Tzuyu: No, now turn around

Taehyung: Hmpf

I finally gave in and turned around as Tzuyu changed out of her hospital clothes

Tzuyu: Stop acting cute it's not working

Taehyung: Tzuyu-ahhh...Tzuyuuu...Tzutzu...I loveee youuu

Tzuyu then stayed silent and I laughed

Taehyung: I can't see you right now, but I can know that you're blushing

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