Chapter 52

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Taehyung's POV:

Jimin: Slow down Tae! Put that drink down and dance with us!!

Me, Jungkook and Jimin are at the club right now. There's not a lot of people here as this club is very hidden and not that famous, but it's perfect for us to enjoy ourselves without getting caught by paparazzi

I started drinking once we arrived. I don't really drink often and I don't like drinking too, but my heart aches too much...I need a distraction, I need to forget everything, even if it's just for one night

I drank fast, one drink quickly turned into another, then another. Jimin and Jungkook often tried to stop me and drag me to the dance floor but I didn't listen to them, I just kept on drinking

Taehyung: Give me one of the strongest drink you've got!!

I grabbed a handful of cash and slid it towards the bartender. At this point I was already a little tipsy, but as I said, I didn't care

Bartender: You sure?

Taehyung: Yes just do it...

Tzuyu's POV:

I lied on my bed, not wanting to get out.

It had been days since I'd left the dorm. I knew  I'd have to go out one day and start working again, but I'm just not ready yet...

Also, my manager called me a few days ago and said that Taehyung ended the promotions of our new song... I was heartbroken when I heard that...of course Tae would cancel it...why won't he?? He thought I was cheating on him!!

Even though we had already ended the promotions, the songs is going on HOT. It has already won an award and is at the top of the really is blowing up big...

And I still listen to it every day...even though it brings me tears every time...I cannot stop myself from listening to it...

Sana suddenly emerged into my room while I was listening to our song for the millionth time

Sana: Tzuyu...

Tzuyu: What is it?

Sana: Mingyu's here...

Mingyu?? No way. I'm not ready...

Tzuyu: Can you tell him I'm busy?

Just as Sana was about to say something, Mingyu came in

Mingyu: You look free to me BB *Smirks*

I took a deep breath...there's no escaping this time...

Sana: Tzuyu, you okay?

I nodded my head and looked at Mingyu who was still smirking at me. Oh how I hate that smirk...I just want to slap it off of him!!

Remember Tzu...this is for Tae...everything's for Tae...

Sana looked at me with a concerned look on her face as she left the room. Mingyu then came over and held out his hand

Tzuyu: What are you doing?

Mingyu rolled his eyes and tilted his head to the door

Mingyu: Come on, I'm taking you out

Tzuyu: No Mingyu, I'm not in the mood...

Mingyu glared at me and raised his voice

Mingyu: You're coming with me whether you like it or not...don't forget that your little boyfriend is in my hands, so you better get your butt off that bed and come with me

He's seriously getting on my nerves...I hate him so much...if I could, I would slap him in the face right this instance and yell at him in the top of my lungs

But whenever I want to do that, Tae pops up in my mind and that stops me from losing my temper...

I took a deep breath and diverted my eyes to the floor keeping my poker face on

Tzuyu: *Mumbles* Fine

Mingyu: What did you say? SPEAK UP!!

Tzuyu: I SAID FINE!!


A lump formed in my throat...I was so close to crying again...I hate him so much!! But no, I'm not gonna let him see my weak side...I'll just have to act for now

Tzuyu: I'm sorry

Mingyu expression softened and he flashed me a smile

Mingyu: We're going to the club, so get changed

The club?? Seriously??

A/N: Hey guyyyss!! It's me again...😅 Anyways, I just wanted to say something about the special character I asked in Chapter 50.

After a lot of thinking, I've decided I would use both, and add a new character in at the same time😍 Only one more important than the other...

How?? Read more and find out😉

Love you guys, byeee😍😘

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now