Chapter 64

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Tzuyu's POV:

"Ms Kim...Ms Kim...are you awake?"

What...who is that guy calling?? And where am I right now??

I slowly used both my hands to lift me up as I sat up on the bed...there was a burning sensation on my leg...what happened? And am I in a hospital or something?

Tzuyu: Where am I?

Doctor: Ah...Ms Kim you are awake, you are now in the hospital. Do you have any idea what happened??

Tzuyu: Kinda...all I remember is a gun pointing towards Taehyung, and me running in front of him, rest was a blur... And wait...what did you just call me?

Doctor: Ms Kim. You are a married woman no?

Tzuyu: Married?

The doctor looked at me with confusion, as if she was talking to a crazy person

Doctor: To Mr Kim? Kim Taehyung?

Kim Taehyung? Ms Kim? Taehyung said that he's my husband?? Why??

A smile slowly crawled up my lips without me even knowing. The doctor looked at me as if I was crazy and slightly shook his head

Tzuyu: Ah...yes, my hu-husband...Taehyung...

The doctor shook his head again as he wrote something on a paper

Doctor:, well your husband, parents and friends are here to see you...and your husband seems to be the most impatient one, causing a scene everywhere he, should I bring him in first??

Tzuyu: *Smiles* Yes please

The doctor then leaves the room, leaving me myself with my thoughts. I looked at my leg and slightly touched the bandage on hurts...but I'm just glad Tae's not the one who was shot...and I'm lucky that it only hit my leg

The door bangs open and Tae just stood there looking at me with a smile on his face

Tzuyu: Whatchu looking at?? Come and greet your wife *Smirks*

Tae immediately ran over and gave me a soft hug before smashing his lips on mine

Taehyung: For a second I thought I'd never taste those lips again

Tzuyu: You can't get rid of me that easily Mr Kim

Taehyung chuckled a bit, but it then faded away quickly

Taehyung: I'm sorry Tzuyu...I'm really sorry. If I've just believed you and not go...nothing would've happened. I'm so sorry I was the reason you were shot, if you had died then, I'd blame myself my whole life, heck I wouldn't even be able to live without you...I'm so sorry

I grabbed Taehyung's head and gave a small kiss on his cheek

Tzuyu: Don't you even start. None of this is your fault, NONE. Mingyu is my problem, and mine only. I should be the one apologising, not you...and I don't blame you at all for forgiving him. You're a forgiving person and that's one of the reasons why I love you... I will take your life over mine any time...

Taehyung: Same, but next time, let me be the one to save you, not the other way around *Chuckles*

Tzuyu: Lets NOT let there be a next time, Mr Kim *Laughs*

Taehyung rubbed his neck with his hand as he blushed a bit

Taehyung: Sorry I told the doctor I'm your husband. That's the only way I could know what your condition was, and I was SO worried that I was literally going crazy

Tzuyu: Yeah...the doctor said *Laughs* And I kinda like it

Taehyung smiled as he stood up and check my injury

Taehyung: It looks like it hurts a lot...

He carefully touched my bandage as I winced a bit

Taehyung: Oh so sorry

Tzuyu:'s okay

Taehyung leans down and placed soft kisses around my injury, making it feel 100 times better. He then goes back to my lips and kisses me again, which I'm not complaining.

God damn. I've missed those lips so freaking much...

Taehyung: I'm sorry

Taehyung mumbled an apology in between kisses and I deepened the kiss. This feels so good, I didn't even care that we were making out in the hospital, I missed Taehyung so freaking much that this all just felt so great

Mr Chou: *Clears throat*

Taehyung quickly pulled away from me and looked to the floor, as I did the same thing

Ms Chou: Well I see you two are getting along...

Jun and some of the members were behind my parents, struggling to hold on his laughter


My mom came towards the bed and quickly hugged me

Ms Chou: I don't even care what just happened, I'm just glad my baby's okay

Mr Chou: Me too, but it would be better if they saved it for later...

Taehyung: Sorry sir, ma'am...I just missed her so much...

Mr Chou: It's okay *Chuckles*

Jun: Well I we're I'm out of place here...

Sana: Yeah *Laughs*

Tzuyu: Come here guys

Jun and the other members came over and hugged me also, and I could see Taehyung just starting daggers at Jun's back while I was hugging him

Jun: Woah, chill...she's all yours

Taehyung: *Mumbles* She better be

A/N: Heyyy, yes me again😂

Here I just want to say that I will be updating less than usual as for this time period... Right now I'm updating every day, but I may change it to every two days now...😅

I know, I'm sorry!!😭 But I'm getting more busy lately, and I need some time to rest as well, so I'm really sorry...I'll try and upload as much but it will definitely not be as much as I'm updating right now

This story is NOT over, I WILL continue it until it is completed, so don't worry😂

I'm so sorry guys. Hope you understand😭

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