Christmas Special

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(Think of this as a Christmas gift to all my readers, of every book I've written or completed or started in 2017. This year has been a huge step forward for me on this platform, and I wanted to explore those feels and add to them. This book is gonna be an actual thing, but I just haven't started writing many yet. It won't be updated often, maybe once a month or twice if I have time. It's just a concept bin, basically. But I'll have an introduction another time. For now, just enjoy some Taekook. Merry Christmas, everyone 💜💜)

Jeon Jungkook doesn't do Christmas. He doesn't like the tree, he doesn't like the presents and the effort you have to go to in order to get something that could actually make someone happy. He leaves the room when he hears any sort of festive tune start to play, and he ignores the whole Santa Claus thing because it makes him wonder if the white bearded Saint needs to be in prison for preying on children and getting them to sit on his lap all the time.

He's a grinch, basically.

He doesn't like the jumpers, he doesn't like the decorations. He doesn't like carol singers, as they're just irritating and normally can't sing properly.

And he's intolerant to gluten, so mince pies are just painful to him. The countless sausages, bread sauce, pastries, all of it are just no-go zones for him. And he wouldn't even feel it for a few hours, either. So that makes it worse. Because he'd spend his holidays stuck on a toilet, holding his abdomen in pain for a full week.

Secret Santas are just an excuse to get more stuff from people you barely know, and spend money on them for no reason. Family get togethers are awkward events that don't need to happen, and everyone is obsessed with mistletoe. It's irritating. Everyone gets drunk and irresponsible, and he doesn't enjoy being the only sober person during another game of shitty charades.

He's a firm believer in the fact that charity shouldn't just belong to midwinter, and so he's found sorting things out and giving things throughout the year. It frustrates him to see people only helping out when it's Christmas. It damages his faith in humanity, basically. Why can't they just be nice all year round, rather than when they know that they have to be in order to get presents from anyone.

But his best friend is a complete Christmas freak. So he has to celebrate it.

"Taehyung, we don't need more tinsel. If we have anymore, I think we will actually drown in the stuff," he complains, and his best friend laughs, shaking his head.
"My gold set broke last year," the excitable brunette says simply, sifting through a mountain of various types of golden tinsel. There are about ten different versions of it in this pile alone. Santa hat, stocking, plain, gold and silver, present, reindeer, alien (for some reason), angel, hearts, and tree shapes.

Why is this so damn complicated?

"We still need to get your mince pies, Kookie, we can't have you missing out!" he exclaims, as the two of them rush towards the free from aisle, searching for Christmas pudding and various gluten free goodies. The younger just rolls his eyes at his best friend, wondering why he puts up with him so much.

Jungkook is spending Christmas with Taehyung's family this year, as his parents decided that they would go to India as a pair this year, leaving him on his own. At Christmas.

Yeah, they're not the festive sort either.

"Is it this type that you like?" Taehyung asks, holding up a branded box of the pie in question, and Jungkook laughs, shaking his head.
"Those turn to mush in your mouth," he says calmly, taking the box out of Tae's hands and replacing it with a different one. "These are cheaper, but they actually have some form of texture to them. Xanthum gum in them, I think."

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