The Mad Hatter

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"Darling, it's not my fault you didn't listen to me, now is it?" the youngster drawls, a self-indulgent smile on his face, laughing internally at the frustration on the blonde's face. "I warned you that it would all be a waste of time, and what did you decide to do? Ignore me, that's what!"

"Jungkook, I don't quite think you should call her-"
"Now isn't really the time to anger me, hyung," the raven haired male interrupts, sending his servant a dangerous glare. The elder nods nervously, stepping back and allowing Jungkook to continue to speak to the girl in front of him.

"As I was saying, Alice, dear" he continues, rolling his eyes slightly and stepping forward, taking her face in his hand and turning it to the side to inspect her side profile, inwardly smirking at the way she goes pale with fear, "you'll never get through the queen. She'll have you dead in no time at all."

"I-I'm dreaming, so I must get out," Alice insists, her blue eyes sparkling with a mix of terror and tears. "She can't keep me trapped asleep forever. One day she'll have to let me wake up, That's how it works. How it's always worked. Just because you want to trap me-"

Jungkook tuts a few times, causing the terrified girl to fall silent. "Oh, Alice, you sweet, innocent girl, I don't want to trap you," he says, his voice patronising and practically dripping with artificial concern, "I would never hurt you. I'm trying to keep you safe, darling. Safety is, after all, my speciality. Trying to escape would just lead to you getting hurt."

"You never care about anyone," Alice adds on, sure that she's onto something. "Please, Mr Hatter, I just want to go home. I just want to wake up and be happy. Is that so wrong?"

There's a flash of anger in Jungkook's eyes for a moment, and he shakes his head slowly, lifting his hand from her face as if it's some sort of disgusting object. "You're incorrect, my dear. You can't wake up from the nightmare of reality, after all. And as for my capability of having emotions for another person, your guess was wrong as well. Sorry, Alice. There's no getting away from here."

He lifts the same hand as before, elegantly, and then pauses for a moment, considers whatever he's planning to do, before moving his hand in a clear beckoning gesture. "My love, come and meet the girl who wants to run away," he says clearly, looking around for me, smirking when he catches a flash of movement in the trees.

I'm by his side in moments, the speed of my arrival into the clearing causing Alice to jolt in surprise. "Kook?"
"You were watching, weren't you?" he asks, an amused tone to his lilting voice, and I nod, lowering my gaze.
"I was. I know you don't like when I-"
"In this case, I don't mind. You've always loved watching the most innocent and ignorant of all our visitors come to the realisation that they're trapped. It's a fascinating mix, is it not?"

I nod in agreement, watching with unabashed interest as Alice steps back, a horrified expression on her face. "Who the hell are you? And why are you here? What are you talking about?"

I smile myself, her pathetically fearful attitude causing me to hold back a laugh of derision. "I am the Prince of Hearts, Alice. The Mad Hatter here is my betrothed. My mother is idiotic if she thinks that I'm on her side. It was our decision to marry, not hers, even if she believes that she is the one in control."

I take a deep breath, stepping closer to my lover and smiling when his arm wraps around my waist possessively, drawing me further towards him. "You poor child," I sympathise falsely, the dislike clear. "You have no chance. We are the people with the power. And you are not the first, oh no. And you won't be the last."

I lean on Jungkook's chest, smiling when his grip tightens ever so slightly at the movement. "You cannot best us, my dear. It's not possible. We are not evil. We are not killers. But we cannot help you, and we cannot allow you to fight against my mother and disrupt our plans."

My gaze drifts to the servant who's been standing here this whole time, listening impassively. "Jimin, take her away and put her with the others. She will learn quickly that she is staying here for a rather long time. Remind her of the rules, would you, hyung? Take her to Yoongi. He will find a place for her among the ranks."

The orange haired male nods in understanding. "Yes, Taehyung," he says quietly, gently taking Alice's arm and pulling her away from the clearing, leading her down a path she will never be able to return to. He's one of the only servants who can be trusted to do this task, as the others have stupid little empathetic moments and try and help the victims.

It never ends well. They always have to have their memories wiped. And that is just tiring to deal with.

"You aren't really angry with me are you, my love?" I ask Jungkook, turning around in his arms to face him. He just grunts, avoiding my gaze. "Oh, Kookie, you know I love to watch. Why is that such a crime?"

"I don't like to have an audience when I tease those I have caught," he mumbles reluctantly after a few moments. "It can be...distracting."
"I'm sorry, Jungkook. Really, I am," I say sincerely, reaching up to his face and turning it towards me, kissing his pale cheek. His mouth curves into a smile, much to my relief.
"I forgive you, Tae. It's alright to be curious, and I understand that urge to see what happens when someone is forced to shatter."

I beam at the fact that his anger has been averted, this time, the expression causing my overly affectionate lover to press our lips together properly, the action familiar and welcome. It's been a while since he's been so close with me, and I've missed it, even though I understand. He is a predator. When he is stalking his prey, he can get focused.

I am the exact same, so it's not really my place to judge.

"You caught her," I say simply, proudly, and he nods.
"I did. It took a while, she was a little bit annoying. Always dropping by in the middle of trap making or something. Very irritating. And she always went back to that stupid rabbit. Every single time. It was always him that had to explain things to her."

"Kook, she believes he brought her here. Of course she's going to revert to the only thing she knows. She's human. Weak. Pathetic." His jaw tenses at the description, but the smirk on his face tells me that I've said the right thing. I don't think I could ever fall out of his favour though. I know all of his weak points, and he knows mine.

As the world has become more vulnerable, and as our little plan has become more complex and closer to its fulfilment, we've only grown closer. Before, it was merely a business deal, a shared vision. But now we need each other. I couldn't see myself succeeding without him, not anymore.

I am in love with him. Some call it infatuation, or obsession, or pure need. I call it love. That is what it is. I don't see it as any more complicated than that. We fight together, we kill together, and we love together. There's nothing intricate or hard to understand about the bond we've created.

Unless you consider the fact that we're planning to kill my mother together, usurp her and take over the entire land in the next few months. Or the fact that we tricked her into planning our wedding much earlier, so that he could become my consort once we took over the world.

Why did we feel the need to kidnap all of the people we did? Why did we treat Alice in such a way? Why do we have our own servants that follow our rule instead of the queen's? Why is this all more than it needs to be?

It shouldn't be a big issue, but of course I want the world in my hands, bowing down to me. Bowing down to the only man who is capable of being a leader in reality. The only man who will ever have any sort of physical contact with me and survive.

He'll tip his hat at you, respectfully, and then he could slit your throat just a moment later. He'll wink at one beautiful woman, and have her begging to be allowed to live within minutes. He's capable of sending powerful grown men to their knees out of sheer fear, without breaking a sweat. And he has no regrets. No doubt. Nothing but cold confidence and a spine chilling accuracy.

And that power feels thrilling. I feel it under my fingertips when I touch him, sense it in the timbre of that beautifully tuneful voice he owns, taste the metallic scent of his electric presence when he steps into the room.

Why would I need anything more? What else would I want in a partner?

I don't think I could find anyone who fits me like he does. And I don't plan on searching for them.

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