Summer Lovin

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(Vkook playing around in BTS Summer Package 2015, a request from the awesome @spare_account_lol ! I hope this is the kind of thing you were wanting me to write, and that it doesn't disappoint in terms of fluff. If the moment isn't exactly the same, you have my apologies.)

"Kookie," I whined, reaching out for my boyfriend with grabby hands, and the younger male smiled fondly at me, taking my hands in his and squeezing them gently, leaning forward to press our lips together.
"We've gotta be careful, remember?" he reminded me quietly, glancing over at the photoshoot happening only ten or twenty metres away. "Cameras like these pick up everything."

I shrugged, pecking his lips again anyway. "They can edit it out," I returned calmly, "they normally do. It'll be fine, don't worry so much."

He beamed at me, hoisting himself up into a lifeguard chair with seemingly no effort. "You're so carefree these days, I love it," he commented, pulling off a flip flop and hitting me with it childishly. I just laughed, not really knowing what the point of that movement was until I saw that the cameras were pointed in our direction. "But you need to pay more attention sometimes, hyung. They can't edit out everything."

I shrugged, stepping up onto the first rung of the high level chair, and gripping onto the arms of the chair  for support. "We can't act like this in public, so we never get to be ourselves outside," I pointed out, and he nodded, a wistful expression passing over his face like the shadow of a bird of prey.
"I guess that's true," he agreed, glancing over at the director again and sighing a little when the man raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him. "I do wish we had more freedom, though, I won't lie."

"So do I, love, so do I," I agreed, moving closer anyway, grabbing his thighs to stop myself from falling backward, giggling at my own clumsiness. He chuckled, shaking his head ever so slightly.
"Well done," he teased, reaching out to help me stay stable. I just pouted at him.

"Taehyung, Jungkook, we need you over here to be photographed!" someone called out, probably a member of staff. My boyfriend rolls his eyes and my pout deepened as I realised that the moment would be cut short yet again. "We haven't got long, remember?"

Jungkook's eyes flickered over my face for a moment, and he bit his lip, deep in thought. "Boys, what's taking you so long!?"
"Fuck it," he mumbled, leaning forward and kissing the pout off my face, taking me completely by surprise. I revelled in the unexpected action for as long as I could, before the shouting of that same staff member breaks us apart once more.

"Doesn't take that long to edit out this bit. And I couldn't resist," he explained quietly as I jumped down from my position on the chair, reaching out a hand to help him do the same. "We never really get a chance to anymore. Why should I hold back when that small chance comes around?"

I beamed at him, nodding in understanding, as we made our way to where we needed to be for this photoshoot.

"Right, so, I want Jungkook to be peeking over the sofa," the photographer started, pointing toward my boyfriend, who followed the instruction without complaint. "Now, Taehyung, you're next to him," he added on, and Jungkook turned to watch me slot myself into place beside him, offering me a fond smile as he did so.

"Now, peek over the sofa with half your faces showing," the director said, and we both did as he asked, thinking at the same time that it would be over quicker if we didn't argue. If we finished quicker, we would have more time to spend together off camera, and we both wanted that.

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