The Call (1)

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There are a few things in life that some people struggle to agree on.

Social issues, how to properly make a cup of tea, how to socialise without wanting to die, things like that. Whether the latest series of a certain show is any good. Whether certain films count as films or just terrible remakes of beautiful literature. (Example, the Eragon film.)

But everyone agrees that Kim Taehyung is the most beautiful person in the school. Teachers, students, parents, assistants, dinner ladies, random other people. They all say that he is stunning.

And they're not wrong.

An almost feminine figure, expressive brown eyes, skin so golden that it could have been touched by King Midas himself. His hair is a faint lavender shade, and his face is the stuff of legend for the majority of the school population, because it's so pretty.

He's nearly eighteen now, finishing his studies there, and it would be stupid to ignore how dangerous his position is. Because he isn't as normal as he pretends to be. And life is more complicated that he lets on.

But he's not totally alone, which is a huge relief.

"You'll find someone who'll protect you, soon, I promise!" his best friend Jimin says reassuringly, patting him gently on the shoulder, ignoring the glares of jealous people around him.

Taehyung sighs, shaking his head. "Chim, it's been nearly a year since I presented as an omega, and nearly a year since it was possible for me to find my mate. It's not gonna happen. I don't get a happy ending. You watch, some particularly strong alpha will appear and claim me before any mate gets a chance."

Jimin pouts, linking their arms and pulling him over to the school cafeteria, towards the table the pair always sit at with their friends. "You don't think we'd protect you?" he asks, a whiny tone entering his voice for a moment.

Taehyung shakes his head instantly, as they sit down. "No! I know you will. But you can't keep me safe from everyone. It's just not possible."
"Anything is possible if we do our best!" the shorter of the two says determinedly, offering his dejected best friend a comforting smile. "Keep your hopes up. It'll be worth it in the end, I promise."

Taehyung leans his elbow on the table, resting his chin on his hand and staring gloomily at a knot in the wood, his eyes following the pattern curiously. His hand follows the grain after a few seconds, the fingernail dragging against the varnish lazily. "I'll try, Chim. I just don't know how much longer I can bear to wait without taking action myself."

He doesn't look up, because he knows exactly what expression is on Jimin's face. Pity. And he doesn't want to see it. He doesn't want to be reminded of how pathetic he is to be unable to wait for more than a few months for someone he'll be able to stay with for life.

"Hey, guys, didn't expect to see you here," Yoongi's voice says dryly, causing Taehyung to snap his head up at the sound of a new person. He beams at his cousin, who offers him a faint smile in return.
"Why not, hyung?" he questions, tilting his head in confusion.

"There's apparently a hot newbie who decided to come halfway through the day like some sort of fucking idiot. On his first day. I have no explanation for you. Everyone else has gone to go look at him."

The mint haired male sits down with a huff, hiding a smile when Jimin sneaks into his lap instantly, cuddling up to the older like a baby koala. They're both betas, so they can't have children, but it's never seemed to bother them much, and they've known each other for years.

Taehyung loves them, but he also envies them for finding their mate so easily. He can't help wishing for a relationship like it.

"Do you know anything about him?" Jimin asks curiously, and Yoongi shrugs.
"All I know is that some of our kind are saying he's an alpha. Not sure how they can tell when there's no hint of it in his eyes, or anything at all like that, but at this point I'm just accepting it."

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