Spring Day

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My feet punch into the snow below me, leaving blurred footprints behind that quickly get covered up by even more snow. If I'm quick, I might get there in time. If I'm quick, he'll still be there, before the world tries to rip us apart again. We were never supposed to meet. But now I never want us to part.

My lover comes from another world. The two universes align during the spring, and then from the moment of the winter solstice, they split apart again violently. He's only reachable for half of the year. And sometimes I miss the final meeting, and I'm forced to wait another six months before I can even apologise.

He's more forgiving toward me than I am toward myself. Which is unsurprising, as he somehow loves me, in all my messy reality.

He could stay with someone else whilst we wait for our universes to realign, but he never wants to. He's more loyal than I deserve, kind and understanding, caring. We met when we were children, exploring on our own in the same area, just in two separate parallel dimensions. It was coincidence or fate, I don't know which. And I don't care.

That one first meeting made my life what it is today. I don't know if I'd still be alive if I never had him. It was a lonely life for a long time, and I got used to it, got disappointed and started to give up. And then Kim Taehyung, in all his unique glory and all his beauty, he decided to explore away from his mother when he was fourteen.

The result of that day is our relationship today. It's something none of our friends or family know about, even now. Because what would be the point? How could we possibly explain away the reality of our situation, the sad truth that for half a year we lose each other totally?

If I died in the winter, he might never know. And it's the same the opposite way.

As the sun dips below the horizon, and the cold air begins to cut into my throat with a knife that causes me to slow down, my hope lowers slightly. I'm not going to make it. I'm not going to be able to see him again before the winter takes him away for six whole months. This is it. Again.

But then I hear his voice, caught on the beginning of the blizzard, desperately calling for my name. And I know he's still there, I know I'm not too late. I can get there in time. Fuck what my boss says, he can't take me away from the man I love. Nobody can. Not even our cruel universes. They may hate each other, but we don't.


We crash together in the steadily growing dark, lips latching onto each other and speaking for us, hands drifting to their predetermined spots on waists and necks. The snow can't get between us, warmth created through happiness itself, relief that we didn't miss each other again in the dark like we did last year.

"Oh hyung, I was so scared I wouldn't make it, you have no idea-" I say the minute we pull away for air, and he chuckles at my rushed speech, understanding as always what he needs to. He's more understanding than anyone else I've ever met.
"Trust me, I understand," he murmurs into the wind, soothingly, and I smile slightly, bringing him into my arms again. "I love you, Jungkook. I'm glad we could meet one last time this year."

For a few minutes we just enjoy each other's presence, shivering in the newly dark night created by the shortest day of the year. Until midnight, we can be together. And then the blizzard will blow him away, as the worlds we live in jolt away from each other with painful clarity. It's not going to be easy. It never is.

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