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(A/n: Little bit of angst and a little bit of violence in this one, just as a warning)

Sometimes, there's a part of the heart which yearns to be part of something more. It breaks away from the rest, hoping to find a place with somebody else's heart. It wants to fit there like a key in a lock, and it wants to stay there forever.

But real life isn't that easy. And nothing lasts that long.

Unless you do everything you can to keep things going.

"Please, hyung! I don't know what I did wrong!"
"Get off me, kid. We can talk it out once you've stopped bawling, okay? I just got fed up of how damn clingy you are, okay?"
"Maybe if you at least pretended that I actually mattered to you, I wouldn't be clingy! Haven't you considered that!?"

Taehyung's ex boyfriend turned to him, backhanding him easily, the impact of the blow throwing the younger across the room in moments. "Just get the hell out of my house before I make you regret ever getting with me," he snapped furiously, and Taehyung nodded, too shocked to disobey his ex, rushing out through the front door, straight to the house of his best friend.

He had nowhere else to go, and he knew that.

He stood there, half shattered already in the street, as he pressed the doorbell three times in order to get his friend to open the door. He didn't care how impatient he seemed. Right now, he was desperate.

Jeon Jungkook opened the door, wearing only a pair of comfortable light grey sweatpants, a towel slung carelessly over his shoulder, black hair damp but still somehow slightly styled to fit him perfectly. His eyes furrowed in concerned confusion at the sight of Taehyung, crying his eyes out in broad daylight, his left cheek still bright red from some sort of blow.

"Tae, what-"
The elder interrupted him with a broken sob, seeming to fall apart even more at the sound of his voice, and Jungkook's eyes widened in pure panic, having never heard him sound so upset in his life.

He jumped out onto the street, completely ignoring the fact that he was technically shirtless in public, in February, and tugged on his best friend's wrist, gently pulling him inside the house so that he wouldn't have to stand outside in the cold. "Fuck, hyung, what the hell happened?"

"We broke up," Taehyung mumbled miserably, as Jungkook pushed the door closed behind them with his left hand, using his right to carefully lead the upset male into the living room, where he would be able to sit down in a comfortable sofa and talk things through once he'd calmed down a little bit.

"Why? Did he give you a reason?" the younger enquired, knowing exactly what his best friend was referring to but still genuinely baffled as to why anyone would break up with someone like Taehyung.
"I was too clingy, apparently. And then I said he wasn't putting the effort in-"

"Which he wasn't," Jungkook commented darkly, already a little annoyed at this asshole ex boyfriend. Taehyung gave him a flat look, and he nodded. "Right. Wrong time, sorry. Carry on."

"And-And then he just hit me, right-"

"He hit you!?" Jungkook repeated furiously, standing up immediately. Taehyung pulled him back down onto the couch beside him, a pleading look in his eyes.
"Don't," he said quietly, and the younger huffed, running a hand through his hair (somehow looking even hotter in the process, must be just something that only Jeon himself is able to do), rolling his eyes.

"I should walk over there and give that asshole a piece of my mind!" he complained angrily. "Nobody should lay a hand on you like that, it's just not right, you did nothing to-"

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