Fallen Angel

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"You asked for me, and now I'm here. Is there something wrong, Kim Taehyung?" The black winged being smirks at me, raising a milky white hand and tracing it over the shape of my face. "Cat got your tongue, has it cutie?"

He's clearly muscled, as he's dressed in a tight black and red bodysuit, presumably for ease of movement. There's an unreal quality to the paleness of his skin, to the sharpness of his jawline. And for a moment, I wonder if I've finally gone insane, as everyone always says.

His dark eyes twinkle with a mischief that can't be linked to anything I've ever seen before. "I-I-"
"Don't stutter. It ill befits you. Now, tell the truth. What did you want from me? You summoned me. Don't be so surprised."
"I didn't think you'd be real," I whisper, dropping to my knees out of some instinct. He chuckles slightly, the sound harsh and surprisingly attractive.

"Darling, that's no excuse. Who do you want to kill? Who is it that you bear a grudge against? What is your deepest, darkest desire? I can grant that for you. Whatever you want, it is yours."

I hear those voices on the radio
I switched it off because she told me so

"Taehyung, don't listen to them, understand? They are lying to you. This isn't what you want," he says powerfully, and I stare down at the phone in my hand. At the endless messages sent to me by my fellow students, who've always hated me, for some reason.
"But they want it, and-"
"No. Do not give them the satisfaction. Get up, off of your knees."

I stand up shakily, unable to stop myself from following his instructions. "Better," he comments sharply. "But hold your head up. Do not be ashamed of who you are."

She's an investigator
She's like an elevator

"How do you know my name?"
"I look up my clients before I visit them," he says, sounding slightly bored, the end feathers of his wings rustling slightly. "Oh, and it would be best if you didn't speak to me when other people are around. They can't see me." He smirks slightly, falling back onto the leather armchair of the living room, crossing one leg over the other and resting his elbow on his knee. "I can mess with them all you like."

He traces his right index finger underneath his chin, fixing me with an unreadable stare. "I could break them, if you asked me to. I could do anything you ask, for a small price."

Nobody told me we'd be all alone
You know
Somewhere my friend he'd left me
In that red light zone

"Are you sure this is fair on them?" I say uncertainly, my heart racing. He shrugs, shaking his head, and I frown. "Is this morally right?"

"It isn't," he says bluntly, "but they are not being fair either. They do not have morals." He leans forward, pinning me to where I'm standing with his dark, almost suggestive, gaze. "Make it an equal playing field, Taehyung. With my help, you can make sure that they regret ever trying to hurt you."

You know
She said: I've seen your deepest secrets, son
They're just as lightning
In the look of your eyes

He stands up again, and suddenly he's right there, in front of me. "I've seen every thought you've ever entertained. I know you better than you know yourself. I also know what worries you, what hurts the most. Everything. There is no need for you to explain a thing, Taehyung. I understand it all."

"How?" I ask, my voice breathier than normal. He chuckles, the sound dry and strangely chilling.
"Darling, I'm the devil. I know everything. It's part of the job description."

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