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(Request from @4_D_Alien
Where Taekook meet at an animal shelter, both looking after animals. Fluff results.)

"I still can't believe you agreed to do this, hyung."
"It was the cute one that made me change my mind."
"Which one?" I ask, confused, glancing around the dog section of the animal shelter. "You've always told me that no dog can ever best Holly?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Not a dog."
"A cat?"
"What animal, then?"

He smiles a little, the expression rare. "Remember that midget  ho talked to us about getting involved in this shelter?" I nod, recalling the bright colour of the young man's hair.
"The one with red hair?"
"That one, yes."

I shrug. "I guess he was kinda cute. Not my type, though."
"I'm sure there will be a cutie that you find interesting, Kook. I have no doubt about that. You love people who love animals."

I smile slightly, kneeling down as an adorable puppy nudges against my leg. "What can I say? It just makes me happy, knowing that people respect the living things around them," I say distractedly, running my hand over honey coloured fur, my smile widening when the tiny dog barks excitedly at the attention.

"We're assigned to different animals every day, right?" I say uncertainly, and Yoongi nods, kneeling down as well and greeting some of the dogs, his smile widening unconsciously into one which is surprisingly fond and pure. So much for his loyal attitude to his dog.
"Yup. I think we get to look after otters, elephants, rabbits, hamsters, penguins, polar bears. It's a whole mix."

I laugh a little, glancing around and taking in the sheer amount of dogs around us (which could be due to the fact that we're carrying food). "It kinda feels more like a zoo than an animal shelter, I'll be honest."

He nods, humming in agreement, the open bag of dogfood in his hand slipping onto the floor as he does so, and both of us curse. The dogs swarm forward eagerly, beginning to eat off of the floor, getting into miniature fights over who deserves to eat what. For a few minutes, I have no idea what to do, then a voice calls over the chaos, and my heart skips a beat.


Every single dog stops moving, looking up as someone I've never seen before enters the room. "Gosh, what did you even do?" he chuckles, brushing his silver hair away from his face with a hand. For a moment, I genuinely think I see sparkles join the movement, then I realise that I've watched way too much anime.

"I dropped the bag," Yoongi says gruffly, taking the opportunity to snatch the item in question off of the floor. The boy in front of us nods in understanding.
"I've done the same, way too many times. They don't know you, so they're more likely to mess around with you."

He tilts his head. "Actually, I don't know you, either." He glances at Yoongi. "I recognise you, you're the guy my friend was desperate to persuade to come. He said you were just too attractive to leave behind." He glances over at me. "But I must admit that I've never seen you before."

"Jeon Jungkook, and this is Min Yoongi," I say calmly, introducing us, mentally doing  a little dance when I don't suffer a voice crack. He smiles warmly at both of us.
"Kim Taehyung. I was assigned to help any newbies, so this is a good way to be introduced."

I nod in understanding, pouring the dogfood in the big collective bowls, watching with amusement as the puppies surge forward again and start eating eagerly. "They do like their food," Yoongi comments. Taehyung shrugs.
"They're still growing. So they get much hungrier. It makes sense, I promise."

He glances around at the dogs again. "They seem happy now, I think, so if I may I'll give you a tour of the shelter."

Yoongi and I look at each other, and I already know that my best friend can tell what I want to say. He rolls his eyes, nodding in agreement. "Sure, lead on, Taehyung."

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