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Taehyung closed his eyes, leaning his head against the wall and sighing slightly-
Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there. You know you write better in present tense. Stick to what you know.

Taehyung (closes) his eyes, leaning his head against the wall and sighing slightly-.
Wait! You're better at first person. What are you even doing?
Trying something new. Improving different styles. Can you stop interrupting me?
It's not gonna work. But go ahead, you're in charge here.
Sometimes I wonder if that is really the case.

Anyway. Taehyung closes his eyes-
We've been over this twice now. Can we move on?
Can you give me a break and let me write the damn thing?
Fine. Just don't repeat that again.
I never finished the sentence though, because you kept interrupting.
I won't do it anymore then.

Taehyung closes his eyes, leaning his head against the wall and sighing slightly, exhausted. He's been working for hours now, working on things-
What things? And don't say 'working' twice, it'll get boring!
Does it matter?
Of course it matters!
Can you, like, stop? Please? How is anyone supposed to enjoy reading something that just keeps jumping around like this?
Sure, whatever. Carry on.

He's been slaving over a canvas for hours now, trying to perfect his coursework before the deadline, and the effort it takes just to make it any good is draining. There's something strangely tiring about trying to paint a flower in so much detail, and now his wrist is aching painfully.

He loves his art, he really does. It's just difficult when he doesn't get to decide what to paint, what to focus on. He's used to working on more abstract pieces, but this module won't let him use his trademark style. It's thrown him miles away from his comfort zone, which is incredibly jarring.

His eyes slide open for a moment, as his phone vibrates in his hand, lighting up with a text from his best friend. He manages a small smile, despite the fact that he's still half asleep, typing out a lazy reply and sending it without much thought, as usual. There's nothing particularly special about today, at least at the moment, and there's an urge rising within him to just find some excitement.

By nature, he searches for adventure and he enjoys the challenge. The past few weeks have been nothing but work and school, and it's beginning to get irritatingly repetitive. To the point that his automatic love for adventure is driving him to try and think of something interesting to do. Even if he can't.

Okay, what even was that paragraph? It sucks!
You're saying you can write better? It's not easy, you know?
You don't have to make up or introduce any original characters, we already exist. It's so much easier than any other type of fiction.
Can you just stop interrupting?
Fine. But I better be involved sometime soon. I want to help bring Taekook together.
That was the plan anyway.

The phone lights up again, and his smile widens at the sight of a call from the aforementioned best friend. He picks up the device once more, answering the call and lifting it to his ear to hear what the short individual on the other side.

"Taetae!" the orange haired male says excitedly. Taehyung's eyes light up at the happiness in his best friends voice.
"Chim!" he replies just as enthusiastically. "What's up?"
"Right now, the sky. You?"
"Bedroom ceiling. How are you?"

"I'm alright, I have some good news though!"
"You do? Pray, do tell?"
"We're not from Shakespearean England, Tae," Jimin says, clearly rolling his eyes.

Wow, really? How exactly, is it clear that eyes are being rolled here?
Tone of voice.
You didn't make that very obvious. I need to stop giving you control over things.
You know you wouldn't be able to do this without me.
That is true. Anyway, let's continue.

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