Magic Shop (1)

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(A/n: basically a Merlin au. I'm not even sorry for it either)

"Taehyung, I need you to wake Jungkook at dawn." I nod in understanding, glancing around the room, wondering how much I have to get done before I can call it a night. "Taehyung? Are you gonna-"

"Yes, I will, hyung, sorry," I say quickly, my attention returning to the man in front of me, who nods slightly in response, sighing at my distracted attitude.
"Good. Don't forget," he says shortly. "After we've eaten, I expect you to help me clear away everything from today, then you can go to bed. I'll be sake just after sunrise, I've got some potion ingredients to find. A whole list to give you, once Jungkook is sorted."

I sigh myself, nodding and taking a hold of the supportive post beside me, swinging myself over to the table in our little room, sitting down heavily and beginning to eat eagerly. "Fuck, I'm hungry," I mumble to myself, watching as Yoongi walks over at a more sedate pace, sitting opposite me and eating at a slower rate.
"Slow down, kid, you'll get indigestion," he warns me, and I shrug.

"What is magic for again, exactly, if not the exploitation of your body's limits?" I point out. He just rolls his eyes at me, shoving another spoon of food in his mouth.
"Fulfilling your destiny, maybe?" he says meaningfully, and I roll my own eyes, causing him to laugh slightly. "Well, tonight your destiny is to clean up our dinner, so get to it, and then we can sleep."

I stand up reluctantly, taking my now-emptied bowl with me and cleaning it quickly, taking his from under his fingers as he stands up himself. We're finished in mere minutes.

And then, finally, I can sleep. No worrying about my destiny. No stressing over whether the King will discover that I have magic. No confusion over my feelings for that insufferably attractive prince. Nothing. Just sleep.

Yoongi wakes me up just before dawn, much to my irritation, and he sends me rushing off to wake up Jungkook. They've got some sort of hunt or mission today, something about an evil witch who used to be his adopted sister? I don't really know what's going on. I'm just supposed to make sure he gets up in time.

No pressure, when this guy literally sleeps like a fucking rock.

I shake him a few times, and when this doesn't work, I find a mug of cold water and throw it over him, laughing a little to myself at the way he jolts upright, shock clear in his face. I forgot, however, that he sleeps bare chested, so the sight of his muscles casually knitting together and then relaxing again as he sits up causes me to gasp in shock at how attractive he is. Prompting an embarrassingly loud coughing fit.

The young prince jolts again at the sound, glancing over and groaning loudly at the sight of me practically dying in the corner. "Why did you wake me up?" he complains childishly. "I was having a good dream as well!"
"Well you've gotta be out and ready for the hunt in an hour, Your Highness, so-" I start, and he holds up a hand, stopping me from continuing my explanation.
"What have I said about that?"

"About what? Waking you up?"
"No, don't be silly, that's your job. Calling me Your Highness when it's just the two of us. It feels weird. I'm younger than you. Call me Kook or something. And is it really an hour? I thought that was tomorrow?"
"Sorry, Kook. Yoongi hyung told me it was today."
"Ah, shit."

He makes eye contact with me as he stands up, and it's hard to keep myself from getting flustered. But I manage it. Somehow. It's not easy.

"What are you supposed to be doing whilst I'm out?" he asks out of nowhere, grabbing a simple cloth shirt from where it's hanging over a chair nearby and pulling it over his head.
"Probably just chores, cleaning your clothes and room, helping Yoongi hyung, stuff like that. Did you want me to do a specific thing whilst you're fighting Morgana, then?" I respond calmly, glancing over at him. He just shrugs.

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