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(The amount of research I had to do for this idea...just to make it accurate. I used minerals net as it seemed the most believable, but if any of it is wrong, I apologise. This is important to some people and I respect that. Enjoy! (also epiphany SLAYED me))

"Welcome to Jungkook's Crystals, would you like any assistance, sir?"

I blink a few times, looking around the unique shop before lowering my gaze to the young attendant in front of me, who looks to be about my age. "No, thank you. I just wanted to look around if that's okay."

The raven haired male smiles a little. "Of course, feel free to ask if you have any questions, however. I like to think of myself as a little bit of an expert on the subject of crystals and gemstones, if it doesn't sound too overconfident of me to say so."
"No, no, I'm sure you know a lot more than I do," I reassure him, and he chuckles a little.
"Fair enough. As I said, if you need anything, give me a shout."
"I will, thank you."

I look around, feeling a little bit lost. Various displays show different crystals and stones in different forms, in every colour of the rainbow, and I have no idea what I'm even looking for. I stepped in thinking I was going to know exactly what I wanted, but now I'm just confused.

I spend a few minutes exploring the small shop, looking at all of the displays and reading the little labels which tell me what things are. I have no way of knowing if any of these are genuine, but I'm just going to believe it. The shop seems dedicated, and the assistant seems confident enough in his knowledge of the shop's wares.

Though, of course, it could be a front to try and get my money.

I highly doubt this, for some reason. There's something about him, a passionate look in his eye, which makes me want to believe him. It could be good acting, I could just be a little too easily manipulated. But there's a magical feeling in this place. Something rare. A spark of care in this harsh universe.

"Hey, could you tell me anything about this?" I ask the assistant suddenly when I'm reasonably close to him again, pointing towards a lilac coloured crystal, one I already know is an amethyst. "I recognise it as amethyst but I've never seen it in this form before. Can you explain it to me, tell me a little about it?"

He smiles. "Sure thing," he says cheerfully, reaching into the cabinet and taking out the piece I picked out. "Amethyst is the purple form of quartz, and is the most well known I would say. The Greeks used to think it got rid of drunkenness, which is kinda cool. The form it's in right now is called a geode."

"A geode?" I repeat, saying the unfamiliar word slowly, and he nods.
"A geode. Hollow rock lined or filled with crystal," he clarifies, smiling a little. "They're normally formed by volcanic eruptions. Sometimes people cut into them and create a nice polished slice for decoration purposes, but this is its raw form."

I nod in understanding, pointing to a necklace with a deep green pendant nearby. "That's emerald, right? I've never seen it with that much blue in the colour." He shakes his head.
"It's actually something called malachite," he says calmly, "though you'd be surprised how often people make that mistake simply because they've never heard of it."

He replaces the geode of amethyst, pulling out the necklace and showing me small, barely visible stripes in the surface of the stone. "See these bands? They show that it's of African origin. It was used in ancient cultures to ward off evil."

I chuckle a little, thinking of my own sexuality. "Maybe not the best thing for me to buy," I say quietly. He raises an eyebrow.
"May I ask why, sir?"
"Oh, I'm gay," I say casually, smiling self consciously when a few customers turn around and give me dark looks. "Kind of seen as evil in some cultures."

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