Beautiful Killer (2)

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(Beautiful Killer part 2 for those who want it)

There's a moment of shocked silence, as Taehyung's parents absorb information they probably never expected to receive, especially from their own son. The idea of their innocent son being in a relationship with someone like me has clearly swung round and hit them in the face with a hammer. Big time.

"Excuse me, but what?" his mother asks quietly after few seconds of silence. "Could you repeat yourself? Did I hear that right?"

My boyfriend glances over me, nervously, and I send him a reassuring smile, taking it upon myself to provide the explanation. I know he was scared of this part, and I was too, and now we have to follow up on our five seconds of bravery, so that his parents understand.

"I'm an assassin," I say calmly, "people pay me to kill their rivals, and I do that. I can promise, hand on heart, that I have never and never plan to get Tae involved in my line of work. I'm planning to make sure he gets a job somewhere safe, and I would literally kill anyone who tried to hurt him. That is a promise I made to myself, and to him, and now I extend that to you."

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, this is a lot to take in," his father puts in, sounding remarkably calm, "and we may take a while to fully understand and accept your relationship. It's nothing personal, of course, this just came completely out of the blue."

I chuckle slightly, nodding in understanding. "Trust me when I say that I wasn't expecting this whole journey to be easy for any of us. I know you won't like me for a while, partially because I'm just not what you envisioned as an ideal partner for him, but I am more patient than I seem. And I will, over time, prove to you that I am serious about your son."

"We've been together for years," Taehyung puts in suddenly, "and I have never been hurt. At all. He has been on numerous missions, and not once have I been even threatened or scared. He protects me, he honestly does. I've never felt safer than when he's around."

"And his job? It doesn't bother you?" his mother questions.

My boyfriend shrugs, a sheepish smile appearing on his face for a moment. "It used to, until I understood and got used to it. He doesn't kill innocent people, Mum. They have normally done something wrong, or hurt someone. His clients aren't inherently evil, and neither is he. Nobody really is."

His mother bites her lip, looking at the floor, and his father places a hand on her back, clearly seeing some sort of internal conflict that he himself is dealing with as well. And I completely get it. This isn't something that would be expected of someone like Tae. He's so pure, so bright, so loving, that him being in a relationship with an assassin seems implausible, impossible even.

Even I marvel at it sometimes, and I'm the one he's in a relationship with. I understand our situation better than anyone else, other than him.

"I'm not going to force you to like me, or even accept me," I say quietly, closing my eyes and lowering my own head so I can't see their reactions. "I'm not here to hold you at gunpoint until you say something supportive. I'm not going to force Taehyung to stay with me if he believes he is safer and happier with someone else. I know it's hard to believe, and even harder now that you know my occupation, but this is the honest truth."

I blink once, standing up and running a hand through my hair, glancing anxiously at the door. "If you want, I can go so you can figure this out, I don't-"
"Kook, sit down," Taehyung says suddenly, and my eyes widen as he suddenly speaks up. "You might not want to come across as heartless, but being insecure and trying to run away from the situation won't do shit."

His parents both jolt at the swear word, and I wince slightly. He's told me before that they don't like language like this, and so he never uses it around them, but that caution seems to have flown out of the window. And looking at them, they seem to mentally blame me for the change, though in reality he was using that sort of vocabulary when we met.

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