Any Other World

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everyone is assigned an angel at the age of 13 to protect them from demons. once a person finds love, they're no longer vulnerable. person never knows about angel but they protect from bad dreams and bad stuff. but tae just found a glowing boy in his bed...and he's really hot.

Okay, I know I'm not dreaming, I just pinched myself really hard and it actually really hurt. So I can't be dreaming. But this can't be real. That isn't possible. No way. No.

"Hi there," he says quietly, casually, "I'm your local guardian angel, first assignment and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, already broken my invisibility filter and now my superiors are mad at me for some reason. Like, I don't understand our shitty rules? They make no sense at all. Who wants to have a nameless guardian angel who just floats around unseen making miracles happen every so often? Nah, you gotta have a visible one, you know?"

"Oh shit, sorry, my name's Jungkook. Kim Taehyung, right? It's a pleasure to meet you. You turn thirteen tomorrow, don't you? I'm a little early, but I didn't really want to wake you up at midnight. Might piss you off a little."

"So what's your favourite colour? I quite like red, it's got a sort of passion and impulsiveness to it which just speaks to me on a spiritual level. And what about animals? Are you a cat or dog person? I like red pandas, maybe because they're red, but also because they're actually the cutest damn thing in the mortal realm. Have you seen a red panda before?"

"I-I like purple, but-"
"Ooh, good shout, that. I know people say that's a girl's colour but honestly fuck that judgement, they just don't understand the aesthetic properly. Purple can be badass if used properly, don't you think? There's some epic people in history who were fans of a bit of purple. Nah, all respect, dude. It's a nice colour."

I take a deep breath, trying to take in everything he's saying. This guy is glowing ever so slightly, his skin lighting up the room around him with faint gold, and he does look impossibly young. His eyes are a welcoming shade of warm hazel sparkling with friendly interest, and his hair is an unnatural shade of pinkish red. There's a childish smile on his face, and his front teeth are slightly pronounced, making him resemble a bunny.

It's kinda cute, but he's also extremely attractive. And I didn't know I was into guys until just now, so this is a bit of a confusing moment for me. If you ignore the fact that a complete stranger somehow appeared on my bed and he's literally glowing, that's already a little overwhelming.

I guess I'm gay then. Cool.

"I like red pandas, they're quite cute," I say hesitantly. "What are you doing here? Why do I need a guardian angel? Am I in a fairy tale or something?" He chuckles a little at that, shaking his head with a surprising amount of energy.

"No, that'd be silly! But I'm here to protect you from demons. You get tempted and stuff around now so everyone in the world gets one of them on their thirteenth birthday. When you fall in love, you don't need us anymore. So we vanish, go on another assignment a lot of the time. Some angels choose to vanish, end their existence. But that's not happened for ages, don't worry about it too much."

My eyes widen at the mention of demons, and for a second I think that my newfound interest in men counts as a weird kind of temptation. But that couldn't be right. I've always thought to myself that guys can be really nice and sometimes quite pretty, and figured that was just what everyone thought. But Jungkook's appearance has proved that wrong.

"So what counts as demon control? Like, how can I be tempted? Am I allowed to do anything anymore?" I ask nervously.
"Natural urges are normal, so don't worry about those," he starts, shifting a little to face me properly. "We don't have a problem with sexuality or gender or race or whatever else you wanna name. It's more things like nightmares, bad mental health, self destructive behaviour. We don't want you to travel down that round of negativity, especially since it can be so easy these days."

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