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(Hey wonders, happy Valentine's Day! I wanted to write a lil something as a show of my love for y'all hehe. Oh, and quick tw, Tae gets a lil freaked out in a crowd. Enjoy!)

Dear friend of mine
(Please don't be...)
It's ok to be terrified
( terrified)
Please don't be so shy

Heart racing with nervousness, a young boy hides a small letter in the locker of his (slightly older) best friend, the paper a faint lilac and the writing small and neat black cursive. He's used his knowledge of calligraphy on purpose, so that he's not identified as the person who wrote the little note.

After all, Taehyung has no idea that his best friend is in love with him. And Jungkook intends to keep it that way.

He glances around as he slips the folded sheet of paper through an impossibly thin gap, cursing to himself when it crumples ever so slightly on one side from the pressure. He removes it, folding it again over his thumb, smoothing down the crease with a trembling hand before trying again to use the locker like a letterbox.

This time, it's a lot easier to persuade the note to actually do what he wants it to do, something that causes the nervous boy to sigh in relief. If anyone sees him, his whole plan will be ruined, and that is something he cannot bear to see. If anyone sees him, they will tell Taehyung, and then he will lose the one person he's ever loved.

He leaves the hall, making his way to Taehyung's house and reaching the front door exactly at the right time, much to his relief. If anything seemed off, his best friend would realise. And that could give the whole game away. It could destroy everything Jungkook's worked so hard to keep going.

That would shatter him, more than anything.

Taehyung doesn't even notice the way Jungkook's hands are still shaking slightly from the fear of being discovered, because the younger male has shoved them into the pockets of his hoodie as they walk to school. He doesn't even realise that Jungkook is paler than normal, because the difference is so negligible.

But when they reach their lockers, the younger male vanishes, claiming to need the toilet. And so he doesn't see the confused expression on Taehyung's face when he notices the tiny paper. He doesn't see the warm, genuine smile that spreads over that same face when the message on it is read.

All he sees when he returns is Taehyung placing the small, folded note into a pocket.

"What was that?" he asks curiously, mentally praying that his voice won't give it away. Taehyung shrugs, hoping that there's not a faint blush on his face from the words on the note. After all, of course he's going to feel flustered when someone confesses their love for him and tells him that he's somehow helped them to be who they are today. He just doesn't want that to show.

"Oh, just a Valentine's note."
"Who from?" Jungkook asks eagerly, just as he would if he really didn't know, and his best friend shrugs again.
"I can't tell. The writing is so fancy, I've never seen anything like it. Sure, it's impressive, and it's probably so that I don't know who it is, but still, it's irritating, because I wanna thank them for putting a note in my locker. It's kinda cute, you know?"

The younger male smiles slightly, nodding in agreement. "I wish someone did that for me," he admits quietly, blushing slightly at the amused expression on Taehyung's face.
"Aw, Kook, I'm sure someone will one day," he says, teasingly, and Jungkook rolls his eyes at the other.
"Nah, it's not gonna happen. Don't give me false hope."

And that's when something begins to click in Taehyung's mind. As the day progresses, and he speaks to various people about the note (to see if they can guess who it is), an idea rises in his head. One that only gets stronger and more believable when he realises that Jungkook always looks away awkwardly whenever Taehyung pulls out the tiny purple slip of paper.

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