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Joshua's fingers wandered. After a while they gently stroked Tyler's neck before he shifted a bit and his hand slid down, under the blanket, over Tyler's back.

Tyler felt things he had never felt before. A deep desire. More than just wanting or wishing. He needed this. He longed for these touches from Joshua. His mind flooded with the pure blissful feeling. He felt save and perfectly at ease.

But he also wished there was more to these soft touches, these cuddles. But Joshua was just being sweet and Tyler was sure for him there was nothing more to it. He would always be too... young. Too soft. Just a boy.

Or... maybe?

Slowly goosebumps started to rise on the tanned boy's skin, as he felt Joshua's hand down at the hem of his hoodie. At first they just rested there. Joshua nuzzled his nose into Tyler's hair and softly pressed a small kiss onto his head.

When Tyler responded by grabbing Joshua's hoodie into his fist, Joshua's hand fumbled up Tyler's hoodie just a little bit and his hand slid underneath, fingertips touching bare, virgin skin.

Tyler's mind was going a hundred miles per hour, trying to keep up. Even though maybe to some people this meant nothing, for Tyler being touched like that was unimaginable.

Joshua's fingers just gently ran up and down Tyler's side, and he tried to remember every second of it, just in case this was all he was ever going to get.

All of a sudden Joshua started to shift and sit up a bit. Tyler crawled up, unwillingly letting go of Joshua's warm body, and he looked up. Joshua didn't speak, just stared intensely into Tyler's eyes. The boy couldn't take it and shifted his gaze to his hand, still holding the older man's hoodie.

Then Joshua's hand slid under his chin, tilting his back to force him to look back at him. Tyler swallowed when he noticed Joshua's eyes darting to his lips, before looking back into his eyes. Before he could wrap his mind around it, the man's lips softly but surely pressed against his own.

He didn't have time to pass out or die on the spot, because the lips were gone as quick as they came. A second maybe. Tyler's eyes grew wide, his jaw slightly dropping.

Joshua smiled as he freed himself out of Tyler's grip and stood up. He reached out his hand for Tyler to pull him up. "Come on, I'll make you some dinner."

Limerence  {Joshler} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now