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Somehow Tyler survived monday and tuesday at school without too much trouble. He had been so scared, the bruises in ugly greens and yellow on his face would make everybody laugh at him.
They only laughed when Dallon was around, trying everything they could to avoid being picked on themselfs. When he wasn't around, some kids would throw him a sympathetic look. Tyler ignored those, since nobody would step up for him anyway. He didn't need fake sympathy.

On wednesday Tyler was bit less lucky as he was ready to go home. He walked towards the doors when he heard a familiar voice behind him, making his chest feel tight and hands sweat. He started to walk faster, other kids getting out of his way.
"Hey! Faggot!"
Tyler walked even faster, nearly running as he pushed the doors open and heard Dallon coming closer. As soon as he was outside, he ran. Ran off the stairs, off the path and around the corner, Dallon's footsteps clearly audible on the street right behind him. He was so close. Too close, too close. "Wait for me, loser!"

As soon as Tyler made it around the corner he could breathe again, as he saw Joshua standing there, waiting for him while leaning against his truck, his arms crossed.
Joshua looked startled when he saw Tyler run towards him, but spreading his arms out for the boy to run in to. It seemed like a cute gesture at first, when the boy ran into his chest and tightly clinged onto him. But then he saw it. Dallon. He came sprinting around the corner, immediatly stopping when he saw Tyler safely in Joshua's arm.

Joshua's blood started to boil, squeezing Tyler closer as he saw Dallon's jaw drop and eyes grow big. He was 100% certain Dallon now recognized him and remembered him from the gasstation. (The consequences of having bright pink hair.) If looks could kill, Dallon would've dropped dead immediatly as Joshua stared at him. "Hey, it's okay. You're safe now baby. Did he hurt you?"

Tyler shook his head, his face still hidden against Joshua's chest, arms locking behind the mans back. "N-no, I g-got to you in t-time", Tyler whispered, making Joshua even angrier. Dallon was still watching, acting as if he was casually leaning against the schools fence, waiting for someone or something. Joshua kept his stare on him, and he wouldnt even be surprised if Dallon would suddenly spontaneously ignite from the fury in Joshua's gaze.

Without looking away Joshua's hands slid onto Tylers cheeks, pushing him back a bit, and the boy looked up at him shyly. Joshua whispered, his eyes darting to Tyler's for a milli-second before shifting back to Dallon. "He's still watching. If he makes one bad decision now i'm going to rip his fucking head off." Joshua's absurd words made Tyler giggle a bit, forgetting it all for a second. Then Joshua's eyes met his again and without really realizing it, Joshua pulled him closer and then he was kissing him and it was on the middle of the street and there were all this people around and so many kids and he was so embarrassed but so happy and so scared and oh god Dallon was watching and...

Joshua kissed him again and again, and Tyler was so uncomfortable in public when kids around "whooooo-ed" at them but he felt loved and protected and so safe so he didn't even care. Then when Joshua pulled back Tyler could only smile, even though his face was a deep, embarrassed red.

Joshua got Tylers hand into his own, his eyes back on Dallon, who had definitely wittnessed that. He walked Tyler around the car, opening the door for him to climb in (what made the boy chuckle) and as he walked back to the drivers side he paused. He stood behind his truck, directly facing Dallon with a few meters between them. Dallon's face was concerned, unsure of what to do or think, and for once Joshua chose to be the bigger person and leave it. He narrowed his eyes, tilting his head lightly, watching Dallon's face as he quickly looked the other way.

Joshua sighed softly before getting in the drivers seat. Today, right here, right now wasn't the place to make trouble. And Tyler was waiting and watching him. As he got back in, Tyler played with the long sleeves of his babyblue hoodie nervously. "I'll pick you up again tomorrow."
Tyler looked at him bashfully as Joshua drove off. "Y-you don't have t-to, i-it will b-be okay", the boy tried, feeling like a burden. Joshua smiled at him softly. "I want to though. I'm not working tomorrow anyway. I'll be here."

Tyler nodded and smiled, knowing all to well he didnt have to argue with Joshua about this anyway, because Joshua would win anyway. "T-thank y-you", he whispered a little while later. Joshua squeezed Tylers thigh. "You don't have to thank me darling. And if he ever lays one finger on you, or even speaks a wrong word he's in big troub-", Joshua was cut off by Tyler.
"Don't g-get in t-trouble because of m-me?! P-please?"
"Not because of you. But I don't care about getting in trouble for you." Joshua smiled, knowing it wasn't what Tyler wanted to hear.

"So. Ready for my home cooked pasta and Moulin' Rouge?" Joshua asked as they parked on his driveway. "Yes! H-hurry!" Tyler laughed as he jumped out of the truck and ran towards Joshua's house, making the latter's heart melt slowly and he shook his head while smiling. "Why are you so fucking cute", Joshua mumbled to himself as he walked upto his house where Tyler was busy waving at Doodle who sat in the windowsill watching them. "You're going to be the death of me."

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