53.table for three

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Joshua took some deep breaths. He lost himself a bit there, but the boy just made his head spin in every way possible. He needed to contain himself. Go slow. Easy. Don't scare him. Be gentle.
He smiled when he noticed Tyler looking at him, like he was waiting for an order. Oh. Right. Christmas dinner. He cleared his throat.
"Ty, you want to get the table ready with the flowers? I'll finish the soup."Joshua kissed Tyler on his cheek before the boy nodded.

Tyler got the flowers out of their packaging, then nervously looking around him as if he was looking for something. "Uhm, J-Joshua?" The man looked up from the big pan of soup, humming. "I n-need a v-vase and a-a knife?"
"Oh. Right. Vases are in the cupboard in the hallway, knifes here in a drawer." Tyler nodded, biting his lip while heading for the hallway.
"W-what d-door?" He questioned just loud enough for Joshua to hear. "Just look through it, 'm not sure", Joshua answered, not paying too much attention.

It was followed by a long silence, so Joshua peeked around the doorframe into the hall. Tyler was still standing there, in front of a closed cupboard.
"Really, Ty, just open it and look through it. I don't mind." Tyler's eyes met his, unsure and hesitant but he slowly stepped forward and opened one of the doors. His cheeks flushed as it apparently was the wrong door, no vases, and Joshua's heart nearly gave out. How could any 18 year old boy be this soft and shy and precious and, and, and beautiful?

Tyler then flashed a goofy smile as he found the vases behind the other door. "G-got it", he grinned, showing Joshua the one he found. They walked back into the kitchen, Joshua softly grasping the back of Tyler's neck, softly squeezing. "I want you to feel at home here, okay? I don't care if you look through any closet, drawer, whatever. If you want a drink, look in the fridge. Open a cupboard to find a glass. Really, you don't have to ask. You are at home here, 'kay?"

Tyler nodded, Joshua very well aware that Tyler wouldn't do it. But he just wanted to make sure the boy at least knew how he felt.

Flowers were cut, put in the vase expertly and it looked beautiful on their Christmas table. Tyler smiled proudly. He did have an eye for pretty things. Joshua did too.

"Okay the soup is pretty much done, do you want to make the mashed potatoes? They're almost done boiling, so they can be mashed."
And so while Joshua finished the soup, and checked on the chicken and started the vegetables, Tyler went away with draining the water from the potatoes, actually opening the fridge to find milk and butter, and smashed the potatoes as if his life depended on it.

It felt like only minutes until the doorbell rang and they watched the clock. Tyler smiled when Joshua quickly checked his hair and outfit in the big mirror in the hallway. "How'd I look?" Tyler laughed, cheeks pink. "L-like r-really handsome", he stuttered shyly.


Dinner went so well, totally against Tyler's expectations there was no awkwardness really. Joshua was of course very capable of keeping a decent conversation going and they all actually enjoyed and laughed. "Dessert t-time!" Tyler exclaimed excitedly when the plates had been empty for a while. Joshua laughed, not thinking twice about it as he stood up to collect the empty plates and he kissed Tylers cheek. As he headed to the kitchen Tyler and his mom were left at the table, Tyler slightly shocked or embarresed by the kiss in front of his mom. He had his hand on the spot where he could still feel Joshua's quick kiss. His mom only opened her mouth to speak, but Tyler quickly jumped up before she could. "I w-will h-help!" And he hurried towards the kitchen, leaving his mom smiling.

"Hey, Ty. You can stay at the table, it's not nice to leave the guest alone", he winked. Tyler still had his hand on his cheek. "Y-you k-kissed me in f-front of m-my mom!" He yell-whispered. "I did?" Joshua thought out loud. "Oh. Cheek. I did. Yeah. Not okay?" He continued putting the home made icecream into pretty bowls, a slight smile on his lips.
"I-I don't k-know!? Isn't t-that w-weird?" Joshua laughed, his hands cupping Tyler's hot cheeks. "I don't think it is", he answered before kissing the boy again, on the lips this time.
He grinned. "I want to, and I'm going to kiss you whenever I can, and I don't care what anyone else thinks. It was only a kiss on the cheek Ty, your mom will survive."

The boy chuckled, still feeling uneasy but very comfortable at the same time. "You take those? Let's have some dessert." Joshua gestured to the bowls.

"So, for dessert we have home made salted caramel and vanilla icecream, because a certain person here apparently looooves those", he winked at Tyler's mom playfully, the boy's cheeks heating up again. "With toppings ofcourse", he added gesturing towards the whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate flakes and sauce.
"Yay!" The smaller boy clapped his hands, loading his bowl with toppings and munching away happily.

Joshua smiled, watching his boyfriend eat, his pupils nearly heart-shaped. Tyler's mom smiled too, her heart warmed by the young love radiating from both, but mostly because the genuin, careless, happy smile on her son's face. It was new, and she loved every second of it.

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