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It wasn't until Joshua's beany shifted a bit, that Tyler noticed Joshua's busted eyebrow. A dark crimson cut ran right through it, surrounded by a lighter red and purple bruise.
"J-joshua y-you are hurt!" Tyler squeaked, and cautiously ran his fingertips over Joshua's temple, not wanting to touch the wound, but comfort him in some way.

"It's nothing, sweets", Joshua glanced over to Tyler. "I'm fine. Sorry I don't look my best for our first date." He winked at Tyler, who blushed and couldn't hold back a tiny giggle.
"D-don't be s-silly, you're still v-very h-handsome", he spoke softly. 

"But w-what happened, who d-did that?" Tyler felt so bad for him, and angry and if he was any tougher he would've punched the person whoever did this to Joshua. He couldn't believe anyone could hurt someone as perfect as him.

"I was out last night with friends, when some drunk asshole pestered a younger, shy boy the whole time, so I uhm..." he searched for the right words, "helped out". He shrugged it off casually. Tyler stared at him, eyes wide in surprise and well, admiration that Joshua would do that for just anyone.
"A-and he p-punched you?!" Tyler asked in disbelieve.

Joshua laughed. "Don't worry Ty, it's nothing. I think he looks and feels a lot worse than me today. I'm fine." He grinned. Tyler just murmered a bit, really frustrated. "N-nobody should e-ever punch you, y-you were just so nice", he muttered. Joshua shrugged again, and Tyler wondered what exactly Joshua had done to the drunk guy, but he didn't dare to ask.

Joshua noticed the discomfort on Tyler's face, reaching his hand out for Tyler's. But the shy boy didn't get the hint and Joshua's hand remained empty. Joshua smiled when he now gently got hold of Tyler's hand and slowly laced their fingers together. 

The shy boy tensed up a bit at the sudden intimate contact, but relaxed swiftly when Joshua pulled his hand towards his lips and softly pecked a kiss on the back of Tyler's hand.

Limerence  {Joshler} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now