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He couldn't get the little smile off his lips, not for a while now, but especially not today. Even when he teared up or maybe cried a little it was all with the smile on his lips.

He kept playing with the ring on his finger, his mom gently stroking his arm. "Are you okay Tyler? Can I get you anything?"
He smiled. Again. "I'm okay, momma. Just a l-little nervous." She chuckled. "Ofcourse you are honey!" Before she continued her own makeup.

His mind focussed back on the ring on his finger. He remembered everything so well.

From the moment at Brendon and Sarah's wedding, around 2 years ago now, how he had confessed to Joshua late that night that maybe marriage wasn't so bad after all, and that maybe he did actually liked the idea of getting married.

How his last year at school had been the best he had, and how studying music at his favorite university was the best thing he couldve decided to do. He did see Joshua a little less at first, but that quickly changed as Tyler officially moved in with his boyfriend. It was november, they'd been dating for a year and 6 days when Tyler moved in. His kom was hesitant. Not because she thought it wouldnt work, just because she was afraid his studying would possibly suffer from it.
It didnt. He never felt more relaxed and focussed and loved spending time with Joshua, even when they werent doing anything and  Tyler was studying.

He remembered their first holiday together, when Joshua took him to Sydney, Australia. He declared the older absolutely insane, but there was no stopping him and they had the best two weeks together.

They grew. They learned. They worked. It just worked.

Joshua got promoted, giving him more responsibilities but also the opportunity to work partially from home, and he was able to play more shows with Brendon. Their band did well, playing three nights a week now. Two of those nights Tyler worked, a job next to his education, one night he would join and cheer for his boyfriend the loudest.

One thing he remembered so well, so specifically well. His lips were still in a smile as a tiny tear gathered in the corner of his eye, ready to break loose.


"Are you ready, sweets?"
Tyler nodded, grabbing his phone and thick winter coat, before stepping out. "Where are we going?"
Joshua just smiled his million dollar smile. "I'm still not telling you, pretty boy. You just wait and see." Tyler rolled his eyes. He'd always get Joshua to eventually tell him what the suprise was, but this time the older wouldnt budge.

"Do you recognize it?" Joshua asked after a drive of maybe 30 minutes. The boy gazed out the window, trees flashing by, not a clue to where he was going. He shook his head. He didnt think he'd ever been here. Joshua just smiled, getting Tylers hand it his own, lacing their fingers together. "Just wait. I think you'll like it."

It wasn't until Joshua had parked and Tyler climbed out the truck when he noticed. A little gasp left his lips as he searched for Joshua's eyes. The older stepped behind him, just like back then. Arms over the younger's shoulder, Tylers back pressed flush again Joshua's chest, apart from their clothes and coats obviously.

Tyler smiled. He remembered it now. Joshua took him back to the same place where they had their first date. Tyler closed his eyes briefly, hugging Joshua's arms closer. "I remember this now", Tyler whispered, turning his head to gaze up to Joshua's soft smiling face.

"C'mon", Joshua gestured, kissing Tylers cheek before letting go. Hand in hand they walked down the path, and even though this time there was no ice, no snow, the place was just as magical as last time. In the middle of the path alongside the lake, a little open spot next to the water distracted Joshua. Carefully they stepped down, him helping Tyler to not fall.

Limerence  {Joshler} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now