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The sound of your phone woke you up from your beauty sleep. Squinting your eyes to check the digital clock on your bedside table, you can't help but whine.

Who the fuck is calling me at 12 freaking 30 am?

But then, it can wait in the morning you thought to yourself as the ringing stopped. Smiling to yourself as you hug your pillow, you slowly surrender to sleep again..

But then your phone rang making you whine as your twist and turn at the bed. As you stopped, so as the ringing. But then it rang again.

Giving up with a curse, you feel the bed looking for your god forsaken phone with your eyes close. You answered, not even  checking who's calling.

"Y/N!" The person on the other line screamed making jerk your phone away from your ears.

"What do you want?" You groaned. Loud blasting music can be heard on the background.

"Y/N!! Wait. Don't tell me you're already sleeping? It's still so early you granny!"

"What do you want Sherilyn?"

"Oh come on. You know why. Get up you sleepy head! Come here!" She muttered

"No can't do. Been busy with work. Need sleep."

"But.. I'm lonely. You wouldn't want your bestfriend to be lonely in this fine night, right?"

"Lonely my ass"

"If you don't come. I'll have to go home with a guy, or guys. I can't promise to behave, why have one when I can have two. Oh yes, I'd definitely do that." The party animal on the other line said

"Ugh. Seriously. Do whatever the you want. You're old enough." You answered a little harshly but you're worried too cause you know how wild your bestfriend can be when drunk.

"But you should stop me from making bad decision, you're my bestfriend after all" you can imagine her frowning with her big eyes

"Exactly. I'm your beast friend, not your mother." You whispered

"What? Can't hear you. Are you coming?? Please come." She whined

You threw your pillow and sat up.

"Fine fine! Where the heck are you? Text me the address now before I change my mind!"

"Yay! You're the best Y/N! See you!"

After the phone call, you sat on the bed contemplating whether you should change or just go there in your pajamas.

It's dark there anyway. You tell yourself.

But then you could stumble over someone you know and wearing a loose white shirt and blue stripes long johns in a bar isn't morally accepted yet so you sluggishly open your wardrobe to look for something decent to wear.

This isn't bad. You thought to yourself as you spot a black oversized hoodie.

This could work, just a pair of heels and a red lipstick. You nod at yourself at the mirror.

Your phone dinged, you read the address then immediately begun making yourself human again. And by that you mean washing your face and brushing your teeth.

You grabbed whatever black slingbag is within your reach and with a swipe of masacara on your lashes a pinch of your favorite lipstick on your lips, you're good to go.

You opted to take an Uber than driving since you're a light drinker and your bestfriend most probably won't let you off the hook.

You nap on the way to the club to conserve energy because you know you'll be needing aloooot of it. When you arrived, you texted your bestfriend then waited for her to fetch you outside.

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