The door

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After the most luxurious bath of you life. You opened the door to the bedroom and as promised, clothes are in there. It's a long sleeved, off shoulder blush floral chiffon dress with ruffles. It stops on your mid thigh. Super feminine, the type of dress you'll wear on a date. You made a mental note to ask Yoongi about where he got it later.

There's also a matching white lace lingerie that you refuse to think of. You slip on the garments and wah-la it perfectly fits you, again. Like it was custom made just for you.

You blow dried your hair, went to the room again to find your shoes from the night before but it's no where to be found. Instead, there's a beautiful nude shoes that seems to be your size so you tried it on. And yep, it fits you.

Should I be scared now? Is he a psycho stalker?

You thought to yourself jokingly. But you're positive he's not. You retraced your steps to the living area but you didn't find the guys.

You decided to roam around the massive place to look for them instead of just sitting pretty. You went to the hallway, none. The kitchen, none. If only you brought your phone with you but you left it at the room and you're too lazy to walk up the stairs again.

You now start your steps to the other side of the house, where you haven't been. There's a hallway like the other side, also, more paintings. There's a door a the end of it that looked like it didn't belong to the house. It's wooden and it seems old but well preserved.

Something urge you to open the door, it pulls you in like a magnet. You placed your hand on the knob, ready to turn it when a pale hand stopped your hands making you jump backwards. You stiffen when you felt your back pressed against his chest.

Your closeness made you stop breathing. He sighed, making you feel the subtle movement of his body. Your eyes wide, you bit your lower lip while staring at his hand that is grasping yours on the knob.

"Princess. You shouldn't be here." He said in a tone you've never heard before.

Shit. I-is he angry?

"I-I'm sorry. I was just looking for you." You said sheepishly

He sighed again and took your hand from the knob to turn you around. You can't face him from the embarrassment so you look down the floor but he lifted your chin up, making you look at him.

"I.. it's just a really personal space princess." He said

You nodded, understanding where he's coming from. Upon nodding, some strands for your hair went to your face. You were about to tuck it behind your ear when Yoongi beat you to it.

He gently swipe your hair, leaving tingles on your skin. And just like that, your heart starts to beat rapidly again. You stare at his eyes while he stare at yours.

And in that moment, infront of the mysterious door, you knew you're fucked.

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