The calm after the storm

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You woke up the next morning alone in the cold dark room. You heard murmurs outside of the room and smelled something delicious. You tried to stand up, but failed to do so.

You groaned out loud. The pain in your body felt like you did cycling, TRX, HIIT, pilates, Yoga, boxing and weightlifting all together in a day.

The door opened, expecting that it's Yoongi. But when you looked, to your surprise, it's Jimin.

He opened the curtains, bringing lights to the room. Hurting your eyes a little. He then sat next to you then smiled.

"How are you feeling?"

"In all honesty? Shitty. Damn those Arnold Schwarzenegger wannabes. I'll break their necks the next time I see them."

"Uh.. don't worry about them, they've been taken taken care of. They're gone." He said in a way like he's saying to a kid that he ate all the Halloween candies the kid worked for.

"What do you mean gone?"

"Gone as in.. they're not of this world anymore."

"Oh.." You shouldn't feel bad for what they did to you and Jungkook, and who knows what they'll do if Jimin and Yoongi did not come the last minute. You shivered at the thought.

"So... you're a warlock too?" You asked Jimin

"Yes.... Yes I am." He answered gently, Jungkook filled him up that you knew that Yoongi is but he's still being cautious because, well. You're one of his employee, one of the bestest that is.

You were silent for a minute then asked him with a kid like curiosity in your eyes that he didn't expect "What's your superpowers then?"

"I would've told you that it's for me to know and for you to find out if we're in a different situation... But anyway, You already knew that Yoongi has the fire element, right? Mine's water.." He said

"Can you show it to me?" You beamed, holing for a magic show

"Hmm. Not now. Maybe next time. Come on, let's eat breakfast. Jungkook has been cooking since 5am."

You were looking at the bed for your phone to see the time, when you remembered that all your things are still in the hotel you've stayed in making you groan.

"Don't worry. Your stuff will arrive soon, Yoongi went there to get it." He cooed

Oh that's why he's not here

" Will you allow me to carry you? Or would you rather have breakfast in bed? Although I must say, the dishes he cooked will not be able to fit in bed tray."

You bit your lip then nodded. "Help?" Which emitted a genuine smile from the lad

Delicious aroma filled your nosetrills the moment you got out of the room. You were carried to a simple dinning area that's beside an open kitchen that's currently being used by the oh so focused Jungkook who's singing while cooking not realizing you and Jimin are already sitting.

You closed you eyes, listening to the sound of his honey like voice. It soothes you.

When he changed the song to an upbeat one, you opened your eyes to see him wiggling his butt, twerking. You held your laughter, not wanting the entertainment to be over.

But like what they say, all good things come to an end. The front door opened revealing Yoongi with your luggages making Jungkook stop what he's doing like nothing happened. Making it harder to stop your laughter.

But. You. Held. It. In.

"Oh hey hyung! You're here. Mind if you try this one out for me?" He said then pointed at what he's cooking

"Did you wait for me to try that? Why not ask Y/N or Jimin?" Yoongi answered while taking his shoes off and closing the door.

"They're still in the room. Noona might be still sleeping, I don't want to disturb her rest." He asnwered making you and Jimin look at each other, both trying not to laugh.

"What do you mean? They're behind you." Yoongi arched his eyebrow. Jungkook turned around with wide eyes.

"H-how long have you been there?!" He looked like he was caught red handed while doing something illegal. It made you cackle, it hurted your core but seeing Yoongi and Jimin laugh too makes it all worth it.

"Don't be shy Kookie. You sound really good. And those booty moves you did? Damn boy." You said while wiping the tears in your eyes

He pouted then his pout slowly turned into a grin "Glad to be of your entertainment Noona. Now let's eat!"

I can never get used to the duality of these boys.

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