Here comes trouble

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When you woke up the next morning, you're still in Yoongi's arms making you just want to stay there. But, work is life and so is art. It's the first time you'll be attending an art convention out of the country so you pushed yourself to take his hand away from your waist.

He groaned and moved a little then continued to sleep. He looked so serene and innocent that you just stared at him for a while.

 He looked so serene and innocent that you just stared at him for a while

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Seeing him asleep now is so much different than before. Before, you just saw a beautiful man. But now, you know some part of his story. You know some of the things he'd been through. And from the things that you knew, you can't help but be proud of him that he managed to survive.

If you were in his shoes? If what happened to him a long time ago before he turned immortal happened to you? You weren't so confident if you'll have the will to live.

10 mins before 7, you were already waiting for your boss at the hotel lobby. Dressed in a white tank top paired with beige a knitted skirt, a leather jacket and a black boots. You wanted to give a somewhat professional feel but still young, hence the outfit choice.

At 7am sharp, you were checking your email through your phone  when your phone rung, Your boss calling you and you answered immediately

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At 7am sharp, you were checking your email through your phone when your phone rung, Your boss calling you and you answered immediately.

"Goodmorning si- Jimin." You said

"Goodmorning Y/N. Where are you?"

"At the Lobby."

"Great. Come out, I'm parked at the entry way." He said

You went out and what you saw made your mouth opened. There stood Jimin in his glory, wearing a black turtle neck paired with a denim pants, a denim jacket a classic black boots.

 There stood Jimin in his glory, wearing a black turtle neck paired with a denim pants, a denim jacket a classic black boots

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What shocked you the most (and that it shouldn't have) was he's standing infront of a Black Maserati.

You gingerly walked towards him

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You gingerly walked towards him. When you reached him, he eyed you up and down then said "You look good. Not that it's surprising." You mentally cursed yourself from feeling your cheeks warming up at his compliment.

Is this counted as cheating? It's not.. right? Its not like I can control how my body reacts.. and Yoongi haven't made it clear what you two were. You're a free grown ass woman who can take a compliment from your hot boss which coincidentally is his friend. No biggie...... Right?

You smiled at him then said "You don't look bad yourself Jimin"

He opened the passenger door for you and guided your head so you won't knock your it then he walked like a model to the driver side.

He buckled himself and started to drive. He drove to a place you haven't seen yesterday. Made you wish you took your camera with you. But that wouldn't look professional at the art con, so you left it at the hotel.

Jimin parked at the side street, opened his door and as you were about to open the passenger's, he beat you to it.

He brought you to the breakfast place where you ate quickly because the art con is about an hour and half from where you are.

When you arrived at the event place, you were shocked at how big it is. It's on a different scale from where you always attend to.

You had so much fun at the event. There's a lot of modern and contemporary art. And thanks to your boss, you met the artists of the pieces. You even met some of the important people at the art industry like directors of art society, museum owners, curators and the like.

By the time the event ended, its already 5pm and you're smiling like an idiot. As you were on the way back to the hotel you texted Yoongi that you're on the way back. And he replied that he's already there waiting for you.

When you arrived, you went straight towards the elevator and pressed the floor you both were in. Jimin walked you towards your room and before he goes to his you looked at him

"Thank you so much for today Jimin, I had so much fun!"

You jumped giddily, overjoyed that he decided to bring you to the art con this time. But then you landed your right feet the wrong way making you sway. And just when you were about to fall, Jimin caught you.

And just like the universe is playing tricks on you, right at that moment. When Jimin is holding you the closest, right when you're chest to chest because he's helping you to stand on your feet. The door to your room opened revealing an expressionless Yoongi looking at the both of you.

 The door to your room opened revealing an expressionless Yoongi looking at the both of you

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