I see you

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All you wanted to do is throw yourself on Yoongi but the annoying kid and their friend caught you two red handed.

Yoongi doesn't give a single fuck actually. After seeing the two standing at the door, he arched his eyebrow towards them then returned his full attention towards you again.

Opposite to his reaction, or lack of. You can swear your face is beet red. The boys saw you and him in a very vulnerable, not to meantion intimate situation. That was enough to make you want to crawl under the bed.

It literally took everything you've got to push him away.

Yoongi whined at the loss of contact then glared at the boys. "I swear to God Jungkook, you should learn how to knock or I'll knock you out one of these days." He said in a tone that meant he's damn serious about what he said.

The two boys just chuckled, clearly shrugging off his threat.

When they left you alone in the room, you immediately hopped to your luggage then pick an outfit while humming.

You picked an oversized old rose knitted sweater, black stretchable jeans and a white puma shoes. Because, comfort plus style. And if ever someone managed to find your bunch, you'll be able to run or fight them.

You tried to squat and did a karate stunt while whisper-shouting "WACHA!" infront of the mirror to check if you can move freely then you nodded in satisfaction when you verified that you can

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You tried to squat and did a karate stunt while whisper-shouting "WACHA!" infront of the mirror to check if you can move freely then you nodded in satisfaction when you verified that you can.

Bring it on steroid boys.

You continued pumping yourself up, stretching and throwing punches, readying yourself for anything when you heard a mulled chuckle

"Oh is Princess going to scare off the bad guys?" A voice said making you stop mid punch.

You groaned then said "How long have you been there?"

"From the moment you squatted. And I have to say, damn girl you can really squat. Can you do that again for me?" He said sitting on the bed.

"Ugh. How about I kick your ass?"

"Oh. Kinky. Didn't thought that you'd be into that kind of act. But don't worry, I'm up for anything you wanna do." He said with a wink

You just looked at him with your head cocked to the side and your eyebrows scrunched together

What does he meant about that? Do people kick each other's asses while doing it? Was that supposed to be turning them on?

At your reaction, he threw his head back while chuckling, ran his hands through his hair then looked at you through his lashes

"Oh the things I'd like to do to you Princess.."

The first stop was a local restaurant Taehyung insisted to go to, saying that you never really went to Czech if you haven't been there.

The place was a simple eatery. It's located at a rather secluded alley. It's white walled with just wooden rectangular table and circular stools. And even though they didn't have a name for the place, no tarpaulin or whatsoever, the place was buzzing with locals in different age groups.

Your group was probably the only foreigners there.

You guys fall in line waiting for your turn to get a table which you think will take awhile by the numbers of people. Your stomach rambled but you chose to wait patiently, because if the locals are willing to wait for this eatery's food, for sure it's good.

The boys were talking about basketball that you knew nothing about so you just stood there, people watching.

It entertained you how the people dressed. Some were wearing fashion forward pieces like chokers, thigh high boots, some are wearing casual comfy clothes and the others are wearing suit and tie (it's probably their lunch break at work)

In the midst of looking at them. Your eyes caught someone on the farther end of the alley leaning at a lamp post with a cigarette in hand. While looking at you.

He suddenly smirked making you tense immediately. It didn't go unnoticed by the boys but as you were about to point it to the boys, it vanished.


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