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Yoongi has been looking for you under the water for 10,800 seconds..

180 minutes..

3 whole hours.

He searched everywhere he could, until his oxygen tank ran out and his ability to breath under water while swimming for a long time tired his body.

But he cannot just leave you out there alone. No, he would never leave someone he loves ever again.

It took him a long time to get in terms with himself with what had happened in the past, if it somehow happened again now.

He won't be able to forgive himself.

It would crush him to pieces.

And he's absolute he won't be able to pick it up piece by piece again. Even his brothers help him to.

With a heavy heart and a plan, he swam towards the shore and immediately took his phone to dial the only person he knows who could help him greatly in this situation. The one who was gifted with the water element, Jimin.

The other line rung, Yoongi just hope that their relationship was mended enough for the younger one to answer his call.

After a few minutes

"Yes?" The other line answered making Yoongi sigh in relief. But the problem wasn't solve yet.

"Jimin. I-I need your help." Yoongi stuttered surprising the younger and even himself.

He's not the one to get flustered easily, so when the younger heard his voice, he sat up straight. Sensing that there's something wrong.

"What happened?" Jimin asked in a tone that sounded more concerned than he intended to.

"It's Y/N.. we were scuba diving then s-something grabbed her. I've looked for her for 3 hours Jimin. 3 hours. I can't find her.. please I n-need you." Yoongi started to breathe heavily, his lip started to quiver. But he won't breakdown, it's not the time to break down.

He needs every energy he have.

"Where are you? I'm coming."


Jimin immediately portaled to a restroom of the resort. It's the easiest way he could think of.

Luckily he's wearing casual clothes; a white shirt and a grey sweatshorts, but he's still overdressed compared to the guys at the beach with just board shorts on so he removed his top to blend in with the crowd.

He spotted Yoongi sitting on the shore with his shoulder slumped down just a few meters away from him.

He hurriedly walked towards the older.

"Hyu- Yoongi." He said as he reached the other one

Yoongi stood up abruptly.

"What should we do Jimin? What could we do?" His eyes hopeful

Jimin thought of this while portalling, and there's really one answer. But it requires a great load of power.

And surely Yoongi's power is running low from looking for you. That's why he took the liberty to call his dongsengs.

"Turn the sea upside down."

As he answered Yoongi, two tall man ran towards them.

"Hyung are you okay?" The youngest of them asked.

"What happened to Noona?" The other guy asked.

Both of their eyebrows furrowed and their lips dragged down at the corner.

Yoongi could've cried right then and there. He's well aware that you charmed his brothers. But right now, seeing his brothers faces, He could've hugged them tightly for caring for you this much.

But it's not the time.

With one mission in mind, they started walking towards the endless sea to search for you.


You on the other hand was in a state of languidness. You're aware of your surrounding; water, you're aware of what's happening but you can't move your body. It's like you're paralyzed.

Strangely though, you could breathe.


You forced your eyes to open. Just the simple motion took every strength you have.

When you managed to, what you saw could've made you go full on havoc. But your situation doesn't allow you to.

So you just heavy liddedly look around you.

And it's not what you see in a daily basis.

You're in a room that has coral reefs as it's wall. A bed made of what looks like seaweeds, its bed frame ordained with seashells. The door is made of pebbles with a big ass pearl as it's handle.

It could've been great. Only if you weren't inside a water bubble floating at the center of the room.

The door slowly opened revealing the most beautiful maiden you've ever laid your eyes on. She has this shining golden hair and percing blue eyes, her nose perfectly shaped and her mouth was full.

She's also wearing a shell crown on her head that's embazzled with gems, diamonds and pearls.

She exudes a powerful aura that intrigue and intimidate you at the same time.

And when you thought she couldn't be more perfect. She talked.

"Greetings Y/N dear." Her voice was melodic, captivating, it demands to be heard.

She swam near you making you notice her feet, tails rather.

It's a mixture shades of silver, purple, pink and a hint of blue.


"Yes Y/N. Mermaids are real.." She said while looking into your eyes, sensing the confusion in your eyes.

When she arrived right infront of you, she combed you hair with her fingers soothingly "Don't worry.. we won't hurt you. We don't hurt the innocent. You can say that you're here to be the bargaining chip."

Yeah right. That's what the antagonist always say in the movies.

You forced yourself to talk, you needed to know the reason why they took you.

"W-what do you want?" You said in whisper. Your voice sounded hoarse and different to your ears.

"Not what, Y/N. It's who.." she answered while twirling your hair through her fingers and gently releasing it.

Your heart started to beat a million times per minute. You already know who she's referring to but you could only hope that you're wrong.


She tilted her head then smiled sweetly but her eyes was blazing

"Well dear, it's your boyfriend of course..

Min Yoongi."

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