Charles Bridge

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"Are you okay Y/N?" Jimin asked

"Yeah. What's wrong Noona? You're never the one to pick on your food. You're a wolf who devour it as soon as it's placed infront of you." Jungkook said making you glare at him

"I do not" You said as you hit his head

"Aw! You so are Noona! You always look like you've been starving for days whenever you eat. So what's wrong?"

You just muttered nothing then gaze back at your Shrimp Aglio Olio. It's the your last dinner in Czech and you're at one of the most italian restaurant you've been to, and yet you're so out of it.

Saying that what the old lady said didn't affect you is going to be a total lie. It bothered you the whole afternoon and the boys are definitely noticing your behavior.

You're just thankful that they're not pressing you to tell them what's on your mind. Yes, even Yoongi. He's just extra clinggy to you, always next to you which helps more than he knows.

Noticing that the table grew quiet, you can't help but feel a little guilty that the reason is you. So you swallowed down what's been bothering you and ate your pasta diligently, even humming as the food hit your tastebuds.

"Oh this is so goood. You guys want some?" You said trying to lift up the mood.

"Don't mind if I do" Jungkook said while taking his fork to get some but you hit his fork with yours.

"Ha. I was talking to everyone.... but you." You said

"You meanie." The boy said while pouting, making you laugh.

"Fine fine. Go ahead Kookie." You brought your plate closer to him.

The mood drastically changed after that. Taehyung became the chatterbox he is, dropping dad jokes that makes you want to kick him. He says he got it from their friend you haven't met yet. And you thanked the heavens that you haven't or you would've strangled the guy on the first meeting.

After the dinner, they didn't want to go back home yet and insisted to go to a pub which you agreed reluctantly, but decided that you actually needed some fix.

Jimin, the ever perefectionist got you guys the best table on the pub upon arriving.

You have to say, it's not the kind of pub you expected. You assumed they would go to a noisy, full of youngsters that wears ratchet clothing type of place.

That's why you were pleasantly surprised to see when you went in inside that it's a 1920's style lounge inspired by the vintage decadence of Parisian drinking dens.

The seat you were guided to was at the center table, right infront of the stage where there's a band performing with an alluring woman singing in a shinny silver long dress and is sporting a bloody red lipstick.

When your group sat down, the boys ordered drinks immediately. Yoongi leaned to your ears

"I already ordered one for you Princess. Amaretto Sour right?"

You looked at him then arched your brow before leaning in then said "And how the hell did you know that I drink that?"

"I do pay attention to you from the moment I laid my eyes on you Princess. That may I remind you, you were absolutely wasted with just 7 glasses of it."

"I wasn't that wasted! Just... a little bit." You pouted

"Riiight. Just a little bit. That's why you were on my bed at the end of the night." He rolled his eyes then slowly put his arms around your shoulder

You just narrowed your eyes at him. Because what else can you say? You were indeed on his bed at the end of the night, the first time you met him.

The boys drank glasses after glasses of whiskey that you bet they finished a whole bottle, maybe more but they're still getting more. But thankfully their still sober making you curious how much liquor did they have to drink to be really wasted.

You on the other hand just ordered 2, to avoid having a hungover the next day.

The boys are clearly having fun though, drinking, chatting, laughing like they don't have any care in this world.

You were watching the performers when you noticed that the lady isn't giving her attention to the whole audience. Just to one person. The oblivious guy who's busy chit chatting with his friend and has his arms around you.

This bitch

He turned to you in an instant "Hmm what's that Princess?"

"Nothing." You said then drank your drink in one shot.

He raised his eyebrows then looked at the lady who happened to be still looking at him. The singer was swaying through the song when their eyes met, the girl then smirked and gave him a wink.

You felt your blood starting to boil. Did she not see that his arms are around you? Isn't that proof enough that he is already taken? Hell, Is she blind?

I swear I'm going to make her lips bloody for real if she doesn't stop hitting on my man.

You felt Yoongi moving you closer towards him, he placed his arms around your waist then took your chin with the pad of his pointy finger, making you look at him.

You were inches away from each other that you can see a playful gleam in his eyes even at the dim light.

"My man hmm? I love the sound of that Princess. I love it a lot." He said with a smug smile

"OH GET A ROOM!" Jungkook said, making the other boys laugh, ruining your quick romantic moment.

Before going home that night, You walked through one of your most favorite places in Czech, the Charles Bridge. With the boys who changed your life..

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