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You stood there waiting for the queen to calm down. Yoongi and Jimin on your right while Jungkook and Taehyung on your left.

And when she did, she looked at Yoongi with her puffy red eyes and said "I can't just forgive you yet Yoongi. Maybe someday, but not now.."

Yoongi nodded "I understand your highness."

She then looked at you "And to you Y/N dear, I apologize for everything.. I can beg for your forgiveness but it still won't be enough."

She flicked her fingers and a necklace with a sea shell pendant materialize on her palm.

"I hope one day you'll forgive me, sweet Y/N. But take this as a symbol that I am on your side for eternity. Tap this three times whenever you're in need of my assistance, no matter what it is. I'll come to your aid."

She took your hand and place the jewelry there.

You wanted to reject the offer. Not because who wouldn't be able to forgive her, but because it's too much of a reconciliation gift. Yet you didn't want to hurt the Queen even more so you just smiled at her with the remaining energy that you have.

"Thank you, your highness."

You bid the queen farewell and Bruce guided you to the shore safely. Of course, changing his glorious tails to a pair of legs.

But before he went back to the kingdom, he looked at you with sad eyes then said "I deeply apologize for what I did Y/N, Yoongi.. and uhm your friends. I really did enjoy our time together, I hope that someday you'll find it in your heart to forgive me. Know that I did what I did because.. of love."

Your heart goes out for him. A soldier who's inlove with the Queen, you can just imagine how rough it was for him; to have his eyes and heart laid out to someone out of his league, to just watch that someone in a distance and never get to hold that person.

And how hard it's going to be for him. It's going to be a rough path to take; not only he have to prove to the whole kingdom that he's worthy of the Queen's attention, but he'll probably be hated by some of his jealous comrades too.

Nevertheless, you can see that there's a big chance that the queen will love him back.

For starter, the guy is incredible.

With genuine heart, you shook your head and smiled at him "Don't worry Bruce, all is forgiven."

And much to your surprise, Yoongi said "Yes. even I would do anything for Y/N.. so I understand."

"Thank you guys.. really.. and this isn't much but.. Here, take this lovebirds, it's a device that will notify if the other one is in danger. It will light up. You'll also be able to track the other with a use of a little magic"

Bruce said while giving both you and Yoongi a pair of bracelet. A black one for Yoongi and a white one for you, which you both wore immediately.

With a much lighted heart, you all bid Bruce farewell.


You were awaken by your clothes being strip down from your body.

Opening your heavy eyes, you saw Yoongi taking new clothes from your luggage.

You rubbed your eyes then said "Oh. When did we arrive?"

"About five minutes ago, you're knocked down as soon as we got to the car. Sorry for not asking permission to undress you, I didn't want to wake you up.." he said while putting on your undies and his oversized shirt on you.

You laid back right away, beckoning him to join you which he hesitantly did.

The pause he did when you invited him shot a slight pain in your heart.

There he goes again..

He laid on his back, right arm covering his eyes. You shifted, placing your head right beside his, and your arm around his waist.

He didn't even have to say anything for you to know what he's thinking of.

"It's not your fault Yoongi.." you started

He sighed, but didn't say anything.

You uncover his eyes and moved his head facing you.

"Look at me."

"Yoongi, look at me." You said sternly

He slowly opened his eyes, showing you the dark brown irises you wanted and still wants to get drowned to.

"It's. Not. Your. Fault."

He bit his lower lip, his head hanging low, his gaze leaving your loving stare.

"How can you not hate me? After all the shits I've put you through.. after.. all the danger I've sent your way.."

You tilted his head by his chin and looked directly on his eyes "Because it's not your fault."

"Oh but it is Y/N.. it is.. these things wouldn't be happening to you if only I wasn't so selfish.. if only I just distanced myself..."

You're slowly getting anxious.

Anxious of the things he's going to say next. Anxious of the things that's playing on his mind.

"Maybe.. maybe.. we have to reconsider this.." he whispered

"Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare Yoongi. I'm getting tired of this pity party bullcrap that you always do whenever something bad happens. Why? Are you the one who hurt me? The one who's trying to kill me? No, right? So can you just quit it.

You're the reason why I'm safe now. You're the reason why I'm excited to wake up each day. Damn, You're the reason why my heart feels like it's going to burst from all the affection and attention it's receiving.

Min Yoongi, I love you with all my heart. But if you can't stop blaming yourself, if you're just going to hate yourself everytime this happens; because we can't be sure it would be the last.

Then maybe, maybe you're right. Maybe you need space. Maybe you need to think it through.

But I'll be here.. I'll be waiting for you to come back to me."

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