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"No" Yoongi said while taking his arms off the door.

"No?" You asked, hoping that you just heard it wrong. You basically turned away from your values; that a man should be the one to make the first move, you ate your pride. And his answer is no?

You chew your bottom lip to stop the tears that's brewing in your eyes, you literally felt your heart was broken to pieces.

If this is what happens when you take a chance then you promised your self to never to such a stupid thing again.

Your mind is a whirlwind of thought, the worse thing is you can't even move, you don't know what to say or even do. How do you react to a fatal rejection?

While you were battling with your tears, Yoongi slowly tuck some strands in your ear making you look at him.

He was looking at you with soft geniune eyes then said "Because I should be the one who's saying that Princess. I should be the one wooing you."

You didn't realize that you're crying until Yoongi wipe it away then said "That is if you'll allow me to."

You immediately nodded your head making you feel a little dizzy. The roller coaster ride while having a jet lag is slowly draining your energy out off you. Plus the fact that you haven't eaten dinner yet.

"Oh. You should take a shower then, I'll get food for us." And you haven't been so thankful that he can read your mind. It's a tad bit creepy and a whole lot embarrassing but in times like this you wanna hug him.

After a looong hot bath, you went out to a delicious smelling room. And your eyes grew wide when you saw where it came from; a whole table full of different varieties of food. There's steak, chicken, lobster, shrimp, pasta, soup and even desserts.

And the most delicious one sitting beside it.

You smack your lips unconsciously to stop yourself from drooling when your stomach growled.

"I didn't know what you want to eat so I got you these." He said while rubbing his nape. You figured out that's his habit when he's shy.

"I- wow. I didn't know what to say. Isn't this too much?" You told him while sitting at the other chair beside him.

"We can heat it up in the morning if there's left over." he said while taking a steak and putting it on his plate then chopping it to bite size.

You were about to get one yourself but he took your plate and exchanged it with his already cut steak. "Dig in Princess." You smiled and thanked him shyly.

"Bon appétit" You said then digged in like the famished girl that you are. You did a little happy dance because the food was too delicious.

He knew you love to eat, but his heart swelled when you chomp on your food now. He made a mental note to always, like always give you delicious foods.

Your cheeks are puffed with foods that you kept on putting in you mouth and there's a sauce at your side lip making Yoongi laugh.
He gently wipe it with his thumb, making you stop mid chewing and looked at him. He then took his thumb in his mouth, sucking it, making you choke on your food.

He laughed while giving you a glass of water, then patted your back while you're drinking it. "Oh Princess, we should really work on your gag reflex."

You glare at him while shaking his hands off you. Your face turning into a shade of tomato.

"If you don't stop, you'll be sleeping outside" you warned him then continued to eat.

He arched his left eyebrow like he's challenging you but said "I promise I'll behave... if you do."

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